Find Your True North

Our community is constantly looking for the right tools—the right routine, the right nutrition, the right mindset—to live active, energized lives. Together with adidas, we collected tips, recipes, and advice from Wanderlust 108 yoga teachers and run leaders on how they operate at their peak performance every day. Dive in! And discover the formula that fuels your journey. 
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Alli Forsythe’s Fuel Formula

Alli is a Los Angeles based SoulCycle Instructor, NASM Certified Personal Trainer, cyclist, triathlete, world traveler and writer. She can be seen on the 25th Season of The Amazing Race on CBS as one half of #TheCyclists. Alli is known for her fearless disposition and courage to try anything. Her enthusiasm for fitness, health and fun is infectious.

Advice for Avoiding Injuries

Training is one third of the puzzle of performance.

We all too often look at training as “king.” It’s not.

The other two pieces are fuel and recovery, and all three are equally important.

If one is out of balance, the other two will suffer.

Bedtime Ritual

I have one rule: After I brush my teeth and wash my face, no more computers or social media.

This gives me a chance to reminisce on my day as opposed to everyone else’s.

As a blogger, vlogger, and someone who loves connecting with people, I save that for the day time.

The 20 minutes before bed are mine. I sometimes read a chapter of a book, too.

Best Life Advice I've Received

To slow down.

I am an extremely goal-oriented and tenacious person. It is truly a blessing and a curse.

When I am going hard after a goal or solely focused on accomplishing something, I often forget to slow down and take in the journey.

After all, this life we live is an endless journey.

Favorite Quote

“Maybe, if you put your disbelief aside, roll up your sleeves, take some risks, and totally go for it, you’ll wake up one day and realize you’re living the kind of life you used to be jealous of.”

-Jen Sincero, You Are A Badass

Film I Re-Watch

Miss Congeniality. It’s a movie full of heart and laughter.

Sandra Bullock plays a fearless female not afraid to stand up to anyone.

She does what she believes is right, even if it means opening herself up to a vulnerable situation.

Finding Healthy Balance in Life

To create a balance, I have to find time to slow down and take care of myself as well as focus on my goals.

I allow Saturdays to be the one day I do absolutely nothing related to work, my goals, or long term planning.

It keeps me human and keeps my creativity alive.

On a larger scale, every 6 months I leave the country.

Some may say it is an escape, but I believe it balances out a tunnel vision created in the day-to-day hustle so many of us live.

Health "Secret" Everyone Should Know

It is better to eat all of the time instead of sitting down for breakfast, lunch and dinner!

Our bodies need fuel throughout the day to have the sustained energy to live an active lifestyle and stay fit and healthy.

Try taking what you eat for breakfast and cutting it in half.

Save the other half for two hours after breakfast. Do the same for lunch and dinner.

How I Jumpstart My Day

I simply wake up 30 minutes before I need to start preparing for my day.

I sit on my couch or on my patio outside and have a cup of coffee.

I name 3 things that I’m looking forward to and set one goal for the day.

I Feel Powerful When...

I feel most powerful when I set out to accomplish something that I have no prior experience doing—and achieve it.

It is a feeling of self-worth that is extremely empowering.

Mantra When Life Gets Tough

Life is too short to be serious all of the time.

If you can’t laugh at yourself, you’re missing out on the simplicity and joys of humanity.

It’s okay to f*** up now and again.

Learn from it, laugh at it, and move on!

Most Important Running Advice

Shoes changed my life (and saved my knees).

When I was preparing for my first marathon years ago, I had invested so much time in training, coaching, supplements, strength-training, cross-training, etc. I felt prepared, but my legs were becoming so achy—especially my knees.

The one thing I had not invested in was shoes.

On-the-Go Snack

I like to think that I am the queen of eating on-the-go.

When I was a contestant on “The Amazing Race,” I had to get really creative with my eating.

I’ll spare you the weird details on portability, but my favorite?

Hard-boiled eggs and hummus.

Smoothie of Choice

I learned this one from my “Amazing Race” teammate.

It is one of the only smoothies I ever really make anymore.

We call it the “PB&J” smoothie, and it is usually made in the afternoon when there is leftover coffee from the morning.


• 1 frozen banana

• 1 cup berries (blueberries, raspberries, strawberries)

• 1 tbsp of peanut butter (or peanut butter protein)

• 1 tsp of flax seeds

Spice Up Your Running Routine

Music is EVERYTHING to me…and physical goals.

It doesn’t take much more than a challenging goal for the day and a new playlist to fire me up for a run.

Dream Superpower

If I could have one superpower, it would be to fly.

Traveling is one thing about this life I value immensely because of the perspective it gives.

If in my everyday life I had the ability to lift off and change my perspective, you better believe I would take advantage of it.

I imagine the out-of-body feeling would be akin to skydiving.

That’s something I want to feel every day of my life!

Training Routine for Beginning Runners

The Best Life Advice I can give when just starting is to focus equally on building core strength and stability as on building endurance and logging miles.

Our core (glutes, back, abs, obliques, and all of the other muscles in our trunk) is the foundation for everything we do physically.

Full body and side planks, single leg balances and glute bridges are a great start.

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