When it comes to exercise, we all want the best results. Toned arms, a tight tummy, or a brag-worthy booty, we know these things don’t come easy. Maybe for you, it’s 100 chaturangas a day, or increasing the resistance on your reformer. Perhaps you spend an extra 20 minutes on the Peloton, or finally sign up for that barre class you’ve wanted to try.
Whatever your version looks like, we can agree that the hard work pays off but sometimes we need a boost. Maintaining optimal muscle health, and improving muscle recovery after exercise isn’t easy, but it means getting the results you want.
There are three magic letters that may be the health and wellness community’s newest and best-kept secret in achieving your workout goals. HMB is a small but mighty substance that plays an important role in maintaining muscle health and promoting muscle recovery in our bodies.
HMB, or its scientific term, β-hydroxy β-methylbutyrate, is a substance that is naturally produced in the body during the breakdown of leucine, an amino acid that enhances muscle protein and aids in muscle repair. Produced only in small amounts in the body, HMB depletes after exercise, and of course, as we age. This precious compound helps promote muscle growth, maintain muscle mass, boosts performance, and aids in muscle recovery.
And because it’s found in such scarce amounts, many people take HMB in the form of supplements or by introducing it into their diet. HMB occurs during the breakdown of the amino acid leucine, so protein-rich foods like milk, Greek yogurt, soybeans, beef, chicken, and fish are good sources of HMB. Avocados, grapefruit, and cauliflower also have small amounts; but, the amount needed to really promote muscle health cannot be supported on diet alone.
Enter Nirvana Water Sciences. For the first time ever, water is now infused with HMB. Nirvana HMB spring water is a natural and effective path to muscle wellness. It helps increase muscle strength and capacity through training and exercise, and it decreases muscle loss and degradation through aging and various activities. Drinking Nirvana HMB spring water reduces muscle recovery time from exercise, breakdown, soreness, and injury. For the nearly 600 muscles in the body, it’s the ultimate form of muscle nirvana.
And it’s not just any water. A rare phenomena gives us Nirvana spring water. Deep underground in the foothills of the Adirondack Mountains on 1,700 acres of protected wilderness, two ice age aquifers rush with pure water. It flows underground until it hits limestone bedrock, launching it toward the earth and forming natural springs. A natural force of nature 1.5 billion years in the making. This is Nirvana.
Nirvana Water Sciences has a natural resource unlike any other, and it takes that responsibility seriously. The company designed an efficient bottle from recycled PET (Post-Consumer Resin) and manufactures each bottle on-site on an as needed basis each day. It’s a state-of-the-art, single source, eco-friendly process that means less plastic, less waste, and more peace of mind for you to focus on your muscle health.
So, if you want to hit it harder tomorrow and boost long-term results from your exercise routine, all while staying well hydrated, make Nirvana HMB spring water part of your daily practice. Your muscles will thank you.

In partnership with Nirvana Water Sciences
Nirvana Water Sciences helps improve the quality of life and naturally enhance the performance of the body. Its line of natural spring water products is infused with proprietary and patented natural formulations that promote muscle wellness.