Let Wanderlust’s team of experts help you choose your own adventure.
Here’s a sneak preview on what to expect from the voices of Wanderlust and YOGANONYMOUS.
First Festival Mashup
Are you looking to further your knowledge of the basics? Take a leap of faith and delve into
our classes designed with a degree of comfort and challenge.
Your First Yoga Class: What to Know Before You Go
3 Yoga Alignment Cues That Every Beginner Should Embrace
A Beginner’s Class to Stretching the Hamstrings
A Beginner’s Class for the Upper Body
Snowshoe | Stratton | Aspen-Snowmass | Squaw Valley | Whistler | Tremblant
Advanced Yogi
Whether you have been taking yoga classes for 10, 20, or 30 years, you
can use your base of knowledge to practice at at a more thrilling level.
Why Inversions Are Good for Your Mind
Go Physically Deeper in Yoga Poses
Finding My Dharma: Why I Teach
5 Surefire Ways to Nail Your Headstand
Snowshoe | Stratton | Aspen-Snowmass | Squaw Valley | Whistler | Tremblant
Outdoor Adventure
Explore beyond the festival grounds with this adventure-heavy track
that has a strong emphasis on biking, hiking, and nature-loving.
Reaching New Heights: Pranayama for Hiking
5 Reasons to Practice SUP Yoga
Returning Ourselves to the Wild
Under the Sea: Nature Guides the Way Through a SUP Practice
Snowshoe | Stratton | Aspen-Snowmass | Squaw Valley | Whistler | Tremblant
Festie Playlists
Dance your way through Wanderlust with this mood-boosting,
music-heavy track. Discover your free spirit through music and movement.
Franti Flows: The Intersection of Music and Yoga
Your Dreams Are Calling: YOGANONYMIX
Lights, Music, Mantras: The Rising Trend of Yoga Raves
Wanderlust Presents: Backstage With Trevor Hall
Snowshoe | Stratton | Aspen-Snowmass | Squaw Valley | Whistler | Tremblant
Retreat & Renew
Transformation often starts with the mind. Spend your time
learning from mindful experts and meditating in nature.
10 Simple Ways to Practice Self-Care
Habits and Rituals: The Power of Active Meditation
Demystifying Ayurveda at Wanderlust
Meditation is Hard. Do It Anyway.
Snowshoe | Stratton | Aspen-Snowmass | Squaw Valley | Whistler | Tremblant