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Some like it hot, some like it cold (or at least room temp). And whether it’s fast, slow, or up in the air, different styles speak to different yogis. Luckily “yoga” trickles down into several different types and forms, providing unique offerings for practitioners of every level . Whatever you seek, you can find and carry with you. Discover what serves you, what speaks to you, what awakens you, and leave the rest.
Take this quiz to see which style of yoga your soul prefers:
1. When you’re feeling stressed, you neutralize it by:
A) Breathing through it.
B) Dancing it out.
C) Sweating it out.
D) Challenging yourself.
E) Chanting your heart out.
2. The best place to unfurl your mat is:
A) In a softly lit space with candles.
B) In a space with good jams and lots of room to move.
C) Scrap the mat, I’ll take a paddleboard or some scarves to hang on from the ceiling.
D) Wherever I can learn!
E) I just need a bolster or a blanket and maybe a wall.
3. Whether you’re dropping it onto your pressure points or into your home diffuser, your go-to essential oil is:
A) Ylang Ylang to sedate and calm the emotions.
B) Frankincense to boosts immunity and reduce inflammation.
C) Rosemary to kick fatigue and boost energy.
D) Cyprus and peppermint to helps stay alert and focused.
E) Lavender to soothe the nervous system.
4. Your favorite yoga prop:
A) Essential oils.
B) A good playlist.
C) Another human or a long silk scarf.
D) Blocks and some position cards.
E) Sound bowls, crystals, and a bolster.
5. Choose your spirit animal:
A) Koala Bear: Intentional and mindful.
B) Cat: Agile and move with fluidity.
C) Bird: Ready to take flight and see what happens.
D) Elephant: Wise and curious.
E) Panda: Zen and enlightened.
6. Yogi’s choice. You most prefer:
A) A grounded, slow-paced class with lots of juicy twists and stretches.
B) Moving with my breath. Flow-and-go style!
C) Acro with a friend, flying in the sky, or SUP on the water.
D) A technical workshop that focuses on specific postures. .
E) Lots of OMs, chants, and soul searching.
7. When you leave class, you want to feel:
A) Ready for bed.
B) Exhausted.
C) Energized.
D) Educated.
E) Transformed.
8. When you wake up in the morning, your ideal routine is:
A) Taking a few deep breaths and supine twists before I even get out of bed.
B) Rolling out of bed and into downward dog; have to flow before I get out and go.
C) I’m going upside down, baby—I have to get a few inversions in first thing!
D) Working on improving postures that I struggle with.
E) I light some incense and start to breath, chant, or OM.
9. Your glass is half full of:
A) Kava root tea.
B) A coconut milk latté.
C) Yerba Maté.
D) Matcha.
E) Ginger tea.
10. You have some down time, you:
A) Plant some flowers and take in the gorgeous Earth.
B) Duh—dance party!
C) Find some sort of adventure.
D) Crack open a book or catch a lecture, always curious to learn.
E) Get cozy and journal.
Mostly A’s: Yin
You are a grounded and beautiful soul in tune with your body. You push yourself hard, but know when to back off and go easy. Your idea of “treat yo’self” is a chance to relax and rejuvenate. Your idea class is restorative and spent mostly horizontal on your mat. You prefer soothing, stress-reducing, slow, long-held postures. Try Jennifer Elliot‘s Yin at the Wall or try something a little different with Reiki-Infused Yin led by Natalie Valle.
Mostly B’s: Vinyasa
Traditional, but a classic. You like to sweat it out and go with the flow, as they say. Whether you’re stressed, depressed or feeling great, a few vinyasas speak to your soul and always bring you home to yourself. You like the predictability of knowing what’s coming, and can appreciate a creative sequence as well. Your ideal class is flow based, organized and almost “dance like.” For adventures in vinyasa, try The Journey with Chelsey Korus or get your flow on with Rosie Acosta in her Flow into Everything series.
Mostly C’s: Aerial, AcroYoga, SUP Yoga
You, yogi friend, are a friend to adventure! You’re anything but traditional and your practice proves it. Whether you’re taking flight with a few acro or aerial poses or tuning into your Aquarian side with a stand-up paddle board flow, these practices are perfect for those looking to combine the outdoors/adventure with their practice.
Mostly D’s: YOGAMAZÉ
Not one to shy away from a challenge, you are a rare breed. You hear the names of poses, you see the poses, but you want to know MORE. Is this the correct form? Are there modifications? What’s the next extension of it? What chakra does it open? Which part of the body is it benefiting? You, curious yogi, will find yourself at home with YOGAMAZÉ —a special and challenging kind of yoga class where you focus on alignment and specifics of the posture. If you’re looking for a challenge, dive in with Noah Mazé‘s YOGAMAZÉ or Schuyler Grant‘s 45-min hit-it-and-quit-it style classes, The Fixx.
Mostly E’s: Meditation/Kundalini
You know that the key to a happy body is a happy mind and while you love your traditional practice, you also love getting weird too. Curling up on a bolster with your crystals, some candles and maybe some essential oils is where you are most at home. When it comes to examining the soul, you go deep, making meditation and kundalini your ideal type of practice. Enhance your meditation practice with Ona Hawk and her unique meditation collections on Wanderlust TV, or go deeper and commit to sit by taking on the Wanderlust 21-Day Meditation Challenge.
Laci Mosier is a copywriter living and loving in Austin, Texas. She and her one-eyed pirate dog live for exploring and discovering life’s magic. She is most inspired by yoga, running, Kundalini meditation, good books, great jams and even better coffee. Getting lost is where she is most often found. Follow her on the Twittersphere or Instagram.