Body. 3 Weeks. 60 Poses.
All it takes is three weeks to master a practice that will last you a lifetime. The Wanderlust 21-Day Yoga Challenge is a powerful introduction to a basic yoga practice. Led by world-renowned teacher and Wanderlust co-founder, Schuyler Grant, this program gives you all the tools you need for an adaptable home practice. Now is the time to embark on a journey that will make you stronger, more flexible, youthful, and more present in your life. Get ready to learn the foundations of yoga, deepen your understanding of alignment, and reap the benefits of a regular practice.
Take the challenge, and join our Facebook group to meet other people who are also on the journey.
DAY 1:
Pose #1: Mountain Pose / Tāḍāsana (tāḍa = mountain, āsana = posture)
Pose #2: Upward Salute / Ūrdhva Hastāsana ((ūrdhva = upward, hasta = hand, āsana = posture
Pose #3: Downward Facing Dog / Adho Mukha Śvānāsana (adho = downward, mukha = facing, śvāna = dog, āsana = posture)
Bonus Pose!: Corpse Pose / Śavāsana (śava = corpse, āsana = posture)
DAY 2:
Pose #4: Forward Bend / Uttānāsana (uttāna = stretch out, āsana = posture)
Pose #5: Crescent Lunge / (Aṅjaneyāsana (aṅjaneya = praise, āsana = posture)
Pose #6: Plank Pose / Phalakāsana (phalaka = plank, āsana = posture) aka Kumbhakasana
DAY 3:
Pose #7: Cat Pose / Marjaryāsana (marjarya = cat, āsana = posture)
Pose #8: Cow Pose / Bitilāsana (bitil = cow, āsana = posture)
Pose #9: Child’s Pose / Balāsana (bala = child, āsana = posture)
DAY 4:
Pose #10: 8 Limbed Pose/Knees, Chest, Chin / Aṣṭāṅgāsana (eight = aṣṭā, limb = āṅga, āsana = posture)
Pose #11: Cobra Pose / Bhujaṅgāsana (bhujaṅga = serpent, āsana = posture)
Pose #12: Half Wheel or Bridge Pose / Setu Bandha Sarvāṅgāsana (setu = bridge, bandha = lock, sarva = all, āṅga = limb, āsana = posture)
DAY 5:
Pose #13: Tree Pose / Vṛkṣāsana (vṛkṣa = tree, āsana = posture)
Pose #14: Pigeon Pose / Rājakapotāsana (rāja = king, kapota = pigeon, āsana = posture)
Pose #15: Happy Baby / Ānanda Bālāsana (ānanda = happy, bāla = child, āsana = posture)
DAY 6:
Pose #16: Chair Pose / Utkaṭāsana (utkaṭa = fierce, āsana = posture)
Pose #17: High Lunge / Crescent Lunge / no translation
Pose #18: Pyramid Pose / Pārśvottānāsana (pārśva = side, uttāna = stretch out, āsana = posture)
DAY 7:
Pose #19: Revolving Extended Side Angle (modified) / Parivṛtta Pārśvakoṇāsana (parivṛtta = revolved, pārśva = side, koṇa = angle, āsana = posture)
Pose #20: Revolving Chair / Parivṛtta Utkaṭāsana (parivṛtta = revolved, utkaṭa = fierce, āsana = posture))
Pose #21: Supine Spinal Twist / Supta Jaṭhara Parivartānāsana (supta = supine, jaṭhara = stomach, parivartāna = revolving, āsana = posture)
DAY 8:
Pose #22: Warrior II / Vīrabhadrāsana II (vīrabhadra = warrior, āsana = posture)
Pose #23: Extended Side Angle / Pārśvakoṇāsana (pārśva = side, koṇa = angle, āsana = posture)
Pose #24: Feet on Hands Pose / Pādahastāsana (pāda = foot or leg, hasta = hand, āsana = posture)
DAY 9:
Pose #25: Standing Straddle / Prasārita Pādottanasana (prasārita = spread, pāda = foot or leg, uttāna = stretch out, āsana = posture)
Pose #26: Head to Knee Pose / Janu Sirsasana (janu = knee, sirsa = head, āsana = posture)
Pose #27: Supine Big Toe Pose / Supta Hasta Pādāṅguṣṭhāsana (supta = supine, hasta = hand, pādāṅguṣṭha = big toe, āsana = posture)
DAY 10:
Pose #28: Garland Pose / Mālāsana (mālā = garland or necklace, āsana = posture)
Pose #29: Crow Pose / Bakāsana (baka = crane, āsana = posture)
Pose #30: Boat Pose / Nāvāsana (nāva = boat, āsana = posture)
DAY 11:
Pose #31: Low Plank / Chaturaṅga Daṇḍāsana (chatur = four, aṅga = limb, daṇḍa = staff, āsana = posture)
Pose #32: Upward Facing Dog / Ūrdhva Mukha Śvānāsana (ūrdhva = upward, mukha = facing, śvāna = dog, āsana = posture)
DAY 12:
Pose #33: Triangle Pose / Trikonāsana (trikoṇa = triangle, āsana = posture)
Pose #34: Revolving Triangle Pose / Parivṛtta Trikoṇāsana (parivṛtta = revolved, trikoṇa = triangle, āsana = posture)
āsana = posture)
Pose #35: Reclining Butterfly / Supta Baddhakonāsana (supta = supine, baddha = bound, kona = angle, āsana = posture)
DAY 13:
Pose #36: Locust Pose / Śalabhāsana (śalabha = locust, āsana = posture)
Pose #37: Warrior 1 / Vīrabhadrāsana I (vīrabhadra = warrior, āsana = posture)
Pose #38: Seated Spinal Twist / Ardha Matsyendrāsana (ardha = half, Matsyendra = king of the fish, a legendary teacher of yoga (matsya = fish, indra = ruler), āsana = posture)
DAY 14:
Poses #39 & 40: Extended Hand to Big Toe Poses I & II (Utthita Hasta Pādāṅguṣṭhāsana I & II (utthita = extended, hasta = hand, pādāṅguṣṭha = big toe, āsana = posture 1 & 2)
Poses #41: Plow Pose / Halāsana (hala = plow, āsana = posture)
DAY 15:
Pose #42: Side Plank / Vasiṣṭhāsana (vasiṣṭha = name of a sage, āsana = posture)
Pose #43: Warrior III / Vīrabhadrāsana III (vīrabhadra = warrior, āsana = posture)
Pose #44: Half Moon / Ardha Chandrāsana (ardha = half, chandra = moon, āsana = posture)
DAY 16:
Pose #45: Hero’s Pose / Virāsana (vīra = hero, āsana = posture)
Pose #46: Camel Pose / Uṣṭrāsana (uṣṭra = camel, āsana = posture)
Pose #47: Bow Pose / Dhanurāsana (dhanur = bow, āsana = posture)
DAY 17:
Pose #48: Eagle Pose / Garuḍāsana (garuḍa = eagle, āsana = posture)
Pose #49: Reclining Pigeon or Figure 4
Pose #50: Cow Faced Pose / Gomukhāsana (go = cow, mukha = face, āsana = posture)
DAY 18:
Pose #51: Reverse Warrior / Pārśva Vīrabhadrāsana (pārśva = side, vīrabhadra = warrior, āsana = posture)
Pose #52: Revolving Standing Forward Bend (Parivrtta Prasarita Padottanasana)
Pose #53: Revolved Head-to-Knee Pose (Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana)
DAY 19:
Pose #54: Puppy Pose or Melting Heart Pose / Anahatāsana (anahata = heart, āsana = posture)
Pose #55: Dolphin Pose or Forearm Plank
Pose #56: Fish Pose / Matsyāsana (matsya = fish, āsana = posture)
DAY 20:
Pose #57: Flying Pigeon / Eka Pāda Gālavāsana (eka = one, pāda = foot or leg, gālava = name of a sage, āsana = posture)
Pose #58: Pendant Pose / Lolāsana (lola = pendant, āsana = posture)
DAY 21:
Pose #59: Handstand / Adho Mukha Vṛkṣāsana (adho = downward, mukha = facing, vṛkṣa = tree, āsana = posture)
Pose #60: Headstand / Sālamba Śīrṣāsana I (sā = with, alamba = support, śīrṣa = head, āsana = posture)