Picture this. You’re standing in the middle of a massive crowd of ecstatic yogis. There are green, blue, pink, and purple lights catapulting from the stage and dancing their way into every corner of a massive tent. Dancers dressed in all white take to the stage in epic bouts of Acroyoga and performers stretch into advanced asanas with only the support of the person who seems to be casually holding them mid-air.
This is the Wanderlust Spectacular.

Without warning, the acroyoga stops and the crowd is coaxed into a flash mob, causing all thoughts to disintegrate and only the ability to laugh until your stomach hurts remains.

Intertwined within the performance is a story. This story demonstrates the wisdom and knowledge that surrounds us all, daily.
And then there is you. Perfectly in sync with a hundred strangers who you realize are traveling the same path that you’re walking. The energy permeating into the crowd from the stage roots itself into you, starting at the tips of your hair and barreling it’s way into your mind, igniting the path directly to your heart.
It’s here within this deep ignition that your heart stands open and the innate wisdom being spoken makes a home within you, reminding you that you can only ever go in the right direction as long as you follow your true north.
Eva commits to a life united by love, sweat, and vibrancy. As she completes her Bachelor’s in Biology Eva endeavors to weave her knowledge of the human body into a connection to the mind and soul, as well as our planet. Eva aspires to be a full time writer, spreading the importance of positivity and connection to ourselves worldwide.