This is a curated version of a list that originally appeared on “A Thousand Shades of Gray.” For more of your weekly dose of happy, please visit the complete list here.
Start Here Now: An Online Course on the Path and Practice of Meditation. Taught by New York Times best-selling author Susan Piver, my meditation teacher and friend. The course begins on March 22, and there is still time to sign up. If you don’t want to take a course but are looking for a place to start, I highly recommend her book of the same title or signing up for her Open Heart Project.
How to make a T-shirt into a Bag Without Sewing. This is brilliant. I almost got rid of one of my favorite t-shirts because I wasn’t wearing it anymore, but now I’m going to turn it into a bag!
A dad lies to his daughter every single day. Now watch her find out… and love him even more for it. I don’t really understand what this commercial is for, I just know it wrecked me, in the best possible way.
Comedian/Yogi explains why YOGA is hard and HILARIOUS! *gigglesnort*
There’s Nothing Left to Do, Seek or Fix—The Quote that Brought it all Home. As a yoga practitioner, as a teacher, as a human, this makes so much sense to me.
While waiting for perfect, wisdom from Seth Godin, on why waiting is such a bad idea and what to do instead.
Things Organized Neatly. It’s really that simple. And in related news, A Former Janitor Collects and Photographs the Items Seized from Immigrants and Thrown Away By U.S. Customs and Border Patrol.
Keith Broke His Leg, an original web series. Keith Powell followed me on Twitter last week, and when I followed him back, he sent me a message about his web series. Even though I know it was an automated, copy/paste sort of message in hopes of getting the word out about his show, I loved him on 30 Rock, so found the show, and proceeded to watch every episode. Afterwards, I sent him a reply to his original message, telling him how much I loved the show, and that I was going to tell you all about it. It’s smart and funny and has a great cast, (see what I did there, wink wink).
The world’s first website. Just a reminder where we came from, as so much has changed.
Jill Salahub writes about the tenderness and the terror, the beauty and the brutality of life, and of her efforts to keep her heart open through it all on her blog, A Thousand Shades of Gray.