Bine Trujillo entered the world of yoga after Ironman Arizona in 2009. After a family loss, she realized she needed more than swimming, biking and running. Her sister bought her several classes to her local yoga studio and she fell in love with the fellow students, teachers and her mat. It was transformational as well as a perfect compliment training. After 6 months, she decided she needed to show others how beneficial yoga was to running and to life. Bine enrolled in Teacher Training and has been guiding yogis ever since. She is currently training for her third Ironman triathlon, raising her two boys and getting on her mat as much as she can.
Best Time of Day to Run? The morning! I enjoy the crisp Colorado morning air and sometimes, I even get lucky enough to see a few deer, birds and even coyotes. It gives me the opportunity to start my day feeling grateful.
Do you eat before you run? I’ve been running for 20 years and I have found that my body moves best first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. After I get home, I make myself a smoothie and then give my hamstrings some love with a few forward folds.
How often do you go to yoga and when? A few times a week, I will take a vinyasa class or a yoga sculpt class which is yoga plus weights. I love incorporating strength training into my routine. Then once a week, I take a hot class which is a series of 26 postures. I love knowing the series and how I can modify if I’ve had a hard or long run! Running can be a very competitive sport. I even struggle with the daily times or pace. Yoga helps me find the balance so I don’t get caught up in the numbers or take myself too seriously!