Robyn Humphrey, Owner of Zen Impact Fitness, started practicing yoga eleven years ago, after 20 years of competitive road racing in the Mid Atlantic region. A late bloomer, to running, Robyn started after college and fell into racing immediately. Now, at the age of 50, Robyn continues to race at a national level, but thanks to her yoga practice, she races pain free.
She started her yoga practice as many athlete’s do, in a hot room. Bikram was her passion and lots of it. Years later, she now values the breath and mantra work as much as the asanas….maybe more! She has found more of a balance from the YIN style since she has so much YANG due to the racing and strength work that supports racing and marathoning.
Robyn has chronic tendonitis in both ankles from years of racing but is able to keep all discomfort and swelling at bay thanks to daily “legs up against the wall” and is also a believer that a solid down-dog has added length to her Achilles!
Robyn is so passionate about the influence of yoga in her life, that she recently spent a month in Nosara, Cost Rica getting her 200 hours. She teaches holistic running practices and is as well an avid golfer, mom and wife!
Best Time of Day to Run?
First thing in the morning! I always feel like I am winning the game of life when I am out there enjoying nature in the am.
Do you eat before your run?
I like to fast during the night before my run. I do start the day with warm water/lemon to flush any remaining toxins (perhaps from a lovely glass of bubbles the night before)! I adore my post run coffee with coconut milk and cinnamon!
How often do you yoga?
Every day right now! On my own mat since I am developing content for my clients, yoga for runners is a science. Different poses are needed pre-run and nothing beats Pidgeon Pose post run! I am working to develop 15 minute programs for my running clients that they can make sure they get done – the vital few! For when they don’t have time for a class! I just want them to do their yoga so that they can be pain free! I also get a Vinyasa class (90 minutes at least once a week as I am a social yoga gal) and I still love my Bikram practice when I can get it!