In the blink of an eye, we can go straight to joy. And whilst this doesn’t always seem feasible, the possibility is there, no matter our circumstance of the day. Because joy is a momentary feeling.
Understanding that on some intrinsic level we choose joy, can be challenging to the psyche. It is our natural state, some would say: a gurgling baby, or a child or adult lost in deep harmonious activity. But joy does require less of the mind, and more of the heart – which can sometimes be challenging. However, there is also another perspective to joy and deep-seated happiness: the awareness of frequency and vibration…our energetic alignment.
‘Raise the vibe’ or seeking a higher vibration has become a common approach to modern spirituality, though it somewhat misses the point. Raising the bar – the upper threshold – is akin to turning up the volume, and whilst this works effectively for the “good days”, it will become counter-effective on the days of lower ebb, or whilst processing difficult feelings or situations. Because to raise the bar when the psyche is grounding down will create a tear – a misalignment – in the subtle energy bodies.
‘Seeking a higher vibration’ can also fuel addictive patterning, by encouraging us to keep our worth low, so the move to a higher sensation creates a ‘hit’ – and a sense of autonomy.
This is mostly subconscious, protecting deeper feelings – entrenching them, even – whilst supplying a chemical hit to the system. On the surface, we experience the benefits, but it can tire the body. And so, rather than keeping our vibration high, it can be more useful to sometimes ‘lower’ it – towards a grounded, whole-body approach. And this is where frequency comes in.
Our energetic frequency is a one-way curve. Unlike vibration which goes up and down (the analogy of a volume dial can be useful here) our frequency is ever-expanding. We cannot unlearn what we know or undo past energetic connections, no matter our current state of happiness – we are forever moving forward, with the invitation to integrate and mesh worlds of information and emotional data, releasing and absorbing…upgrading and optimizing. All learning – whether applied consciously or unconsciously – goes toward adjusting our frequency intent: our energetic point of power.
A frequency shift occurs when vibration and frequency align into harmony with the moment: a tumbling away of excess accumulated data to reveal perfect presence.
It is an alignment that, as we drop into ourselves, lands us into a bed of intrinsic happiness and quiet joy – a place of pure connection, even in sadness, loss and change. In the absence of resistance, the meeting of vibration and frequency connects the heart to its energetic pulse with the greater world.
You will know you are ready to shift your frequency when things feel disjointed, out-of-sync and frustration and annoyance – a sense of grittiness and out-of-reach – pervade the moments: emotionally, mentally and/or physically. Whilst shifting frequency can take many forms, the key dynamics are: a wish to come into energetic alignment – the intention to let go and release the hold to an embodied state of being – and a willingness to furnish the head-chatter of the mind with a different perspective – one which may require a lower vibration, aligned to the frequency – to spark the realizations, insight and innate wisdom which wish revealing. For in any frequency shift, lie hidden gems of wisdom and self-awareness.
The alignment of frequency and vibration enables flow state and wellbeing. It is an oneness within oneself as we no longer ‘need’ to raise our vibration to feel good, but with self-awareness and ease, intend the subtle adjustments in order to gain the presence of a foundation of joy.
In creating the connection of vibration and frequency within – of adjusting the volume to meet the true signature of the moment, new worlds ignite. And then the frequency adjusts. Joy escapes its chamber, and we feel whole.
Delilah Sullivan – Spiritual Mentor, Writer and Land + Energy Healer – is passionate about life, connection and beauty. A diverse background, Delilah shares gems of knowledge: about personal energy management, creativity, cultivating grounded presence, healing, life experiences and our connection to each other, nature and the emerging ‘bigger picture’.
Author of ‘A Sense of Beauty’ weekday wisdom, channeler of the popular ‘Downloads from Spirit’ podcast and Private Consultant,she supports her clients to facilitate frequency shifts, align their projects, land and energetic blueprints, opportunities and desires, sharing unique insight and awareness. Find her in nature or the city – for fascinating perspectives and conversations.