Good Yoga vs. Bad Yoga

If all yoga studios and practices were the same, how boring would that be? There’s this talk of…

If all yoga studios and practices were the same, how boring would that be?

There’s this talk of what “is” and “isn’t” yoga and where you should and shouldn’t go. If you ask me, that kind of talk is pointless and irrelevant.

Your yoga practice should be much less about where you’re taking the class and much more about how you feel while doing it. Yoga has become fabulously popular and yoga studios are popping up at the speed of light (at least that’s the case in Austin, TX). There are a lot of options, and with these options come a lot of strong opinions.

When it comes to deciding what “is” and “isn’t” yoga, it doesn’t matter what I think. The importance is how it makes you feel. I suggest finding a set of teachers to whom you feel connected. Find a yoga studio where you can’t help but tell your friends about your experiences and beg them to join you.

Whether you’re in a 100˚ room for 90 minutes doing the same set of poses every class, or a 60-minute meditation and breathing class, or watching a DVD your friend let you borrow, you should finish a class feeling whatever it is that you want to feel.

It’s become “cool” to practice yoga. It’s “in” and trending to buy fancy attire, find the cutest mat possible, and grab your buddies for a yoga sesh. Although these things are all lovely and wonderful, there’s more. Yoga isn’t just about getting your butt kicked in a power class or relaxing in a restorative class. It’s about digging deeper within yourself and learning who you really are.

I learned so much from my Wanderlust teachers. These two women are living and breathing yoga. They change people’s lives everyday and have inspired me and my yoga sisters to do the same. We were taught to live with love and to find our own path. We learned that there are all these other elements, philosophies and practices that are included in “yoga.”

Yoga is about union. The unification of breath and body, mind and soul, universe and self. It’s about overcoming suffering and finding your true self. It’s about being happy and loving yourself, building community and changing the world by changing yourself.

Be open-minded and harbor no judgement toward any type of yoga studio, branch of teaching, kinds of classes, or what the “industry” says. Go! Be adventurous and explore all the yoga studios and teachers you can! You’ll know when you’ve found the right one. I promise.

zuzuZuzu is a California girl currently living and loving, in Austin, TX. If you asked her to explain what she “does” in life, she would probably explain herself in one excited, expansive gapping breath. It’s a task to explain that you’re an artist, adventurist, photographer, event planner, graffiti writer, socialite, and a yoga instructor for a living! Her wild wanderlust soul is sustained by her creativity, love for life and her many travel adventures. Zuzu believes nothing more than, “during our short time here, we should all focus on adding our own brilliant light onto the world”. She recently graduated from the first ever Wanderlust teacher training and is now continuing her beautiful journey along the yogic path of life, and loving every second of it.