Ana Forrest and Jose Calarco are just two of the renowned teachers who will be guiding us at Wanderlust O’ahu 2019. Spend an intimate day with these world-renowned teachings for a unique practice Immersion on Thursday, February 28. Ana and Jose’s workshop will explore yoga practices to place you in harmony with all things—not only physically, but also with your feelings and inner wilderness. Students will learn to open their receptors to perceive beauty and to think and act on it. This workshop begins with a short, yet very special ceremony of song, invocation, and smoke blessing.
For tickets and more information, click here.
Ana Forrest has been a household name in the western yoga scene for decades. Using her signature style, Forrest Yoga, Ana threads together intelligent sequencing that is as intentional as it is intense. As a teacher Ana has an inimitable ability to create spaces for her students that facilitate connection to breath, foster deep kinesthetic intelligence, and cultivate unshakable self-respect. She considers herself on a constant co-creative journey with the universe, and thus is ever-evolving her offering.
In addition to her own growth, Ana adores sharing her wisdom with others. She and her partner Jose Calarco are offering Wanderlust Hollywood weekend workshops designed to offer “a sanctuary for healing, knowledge, music, culture, new perceptions, and learning to love again.” Students will be supported in asking tough but necessary questions of themselves: What do I need for healing? What’s my next step for evolving? What’s my next step for transformation?
The Story Behind the Powerful Pair
Ana and Jose work together using uncanny levels of communication. The two met in Australia, when Ana was traveling to teach and promote her book, Fierce Medicine. Jose, who frequented one of the studio’s Ana visited, is the Director of Descendant Aboriginal. Jose organized a special Aboriginal welcome for Ana, who at the time had been praying for a chance to meet the Uluru Aborigines. All at once, Ana’s prayers for both the meeting and the finding of a partner were answered in Jose. Since that fateful meeting, Ana and Jose have been committed to transforming themselves and each other, and letting their love radiate through the work that they do.
Ana promises this weekend of Forrest Yoga ceremonies to be “raw, rich and primal.” Both Ana and Jose come equipped with years of studying and practicing as healers, and implement much of their rich educational background into their teachings.
“Jose and I weave a powerful, beauty-filled experience from our mutual years of studying and practicing as healers, indigenous culture and love of nature,” Ana tells us. “We use breath and intent to quest into the mystery inside for the next level of healing and learning. That kind of empowering is tremendously fun!”
Students can choose to participate in single workshops, or the whole weekend. Each workshop, or ceremony, will be different, but each will bring students into a practice that embodies spirit through posturing, offers ways of achieving and maintaining health, and refreshes perspective on what it means to live in an extraordinary manner.
When Ana dreams of the future of Forrest Yoga, she sees Forrest Yoga teachers in every country and hopes to continue to spread “Good Medicine” everywhere she goes.
“Do this daily: Connect to your spirit—the sacred essence within you,” She tells those seeking advice. “Live in a way that brightens, not dims, your spirit. Start by doing this in your yoga practice. Make your relationship with your spirit the most passionate love affair of your life.”
Though Ana is a lifelong student of the yoga practice and has gained acclaim as a renowned yoga teacher, it is her way of moving through the world that can’t help but leave a trail of inspiration, ecstasy, and deep-rooted connected to the planet. We can’t wait to see what she has to share.
Join Ana for her Immersion in O’ahu, and explore your own deep connections to your planet and your practice. See you on the North Shore!
Erin Ward is a freelance writer, yoga teacher, and instructor at Wanderlust Hollywood.