This overview was originally published on Astrostyle.com.
Your Weekly Overview
“Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding,” Albert Einstein once said. With a world that seems so starkly divided, coming to consensus may feel like a long shot this week; but it should not be perceived as an impossibility. This Monday, February 6, worldly Jupiter takes his annual sabbatical, retreating through Libra until June 9. With global relations in a state of chaos, the ambassador planet’s downshift might actually come as a relief. Everything’s been happening so fast and furious on the world stage, which is Jupiter’s preferred speed. But, hello? Too fast! Too much! Too insane!
Libra is the sign that rules diplomatic affairs, peace treaties and also the balance of power in relationships. With Jupiter the gambler wearing this costume since last September 9, world leaders have taken a lot more risks in this arena (to put it mildly). Unchecked, Jupiter can bring bluster, overblown egos, and unabashed power tripping—delivered in Libra’s dulcet tones and unflappable cool, to boot! But with the red-spotted planet in retrograde, the naked Emperor will be harder to cloak. Truths that have been covered up or candy coated could be revealed in a big way between now and June 9. And while many might be glued to the news, don’t forget this spiritual law: As within, so without. As Jupiter coasts for four months, we have an opportunity to mend fences both on the personal and political stage. How can you bring more peace, cooperation, and harmony to your own daily life? Begin there while keeping the mission of world peace alive.
On Tuesday, communication planet Mercury shifts from conventional Capricorn to quirky Aquarius until February 25. Keep the proverbial lab coat handy! New ideas and inventions flood. Now’s the time to upgrade your technology or spring for a futuristic gadget. Sharing is caring under the influence of community-spirited Aquarius, and Mercury helps us forge new bonds both online and in real time. Community is healing and uplifting, especially during tense times; in fact “tending and befriending” is a known stress response. Don’t isolate!
What’s New With the Moon
On Friday, 2017’s first eclipse rocks the skies. This one is a lunar (full moon) eclipse in Leo and the first in a two-year series to hit the Leo-Aquarius axis. Glamour, romance, passion and more! These moonbeams will certainly bring some red-carpet magic to the world—Grammy’s Party anyone? And right before Valentine’s Day, the lovestruck Leo energy could bring a few romantic revolutions our way. Stop resisting: Cupid’s aim is far too sharp. Eclipses are harbingers of change, speeding up inevitable actions and pushing us to look in new directions. On a literal level, an eclipse reveals a shadow—and that can be read metaphorically, too. We may get a front row seat to the underside of life during eclipses; but these are things we actually NEED to see.
The Leo-Aquarius series will play with the balance between Leo’s gilded royalty and Aquarius’ “one love” community spirit. The battle between the “haves” and the “have-nots” could get fierce; and we’ll all have to learn a few lessons about when to share (Aquarius) and when to spoil ourselves (Leo). How can we preserve our individuality and still be part of the collective human race? Can we enjoy luxury responsibly—and sustainably? Is it possible to have a system of power that doesn’t suppress individual expression? These questions are on the table in a big way now—and they could be answered with resurgence in the arts, activism, and technological advances. When united in the best possible way, the hybrid of Aquarius and Leo can bring a full-on revolution of love. We’re so ready for it!
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