This is a curated version of a list that originally appeared on “A Thousand Shades of Gray.” For more of your weekly dose of happy, please visit the complete list here.
To Be Happier, Start Thinking More About Your Death, an Op-Ed in The New York Times by Arthur C. Brooks about an important and challenging shift in perspective. In related news, from Terrible Minds, Death Becomes Us.
A New Year. A Fresh Start. #3bravethings I love Diana’s alternative to making New Year’s resolutions. What would your three brave things be?
That time David Bowie almost became a Buddhist monk—and what he said (and sang) about that time on Lion’s Roar. I hadn’t heard this before. So fascinating. I love the idea that we all have a particular way that we can be of most benefit.
How to Stop the Doubting Yourself/Quitting/Looking for a Magic Solution Cycle—Today. Jennifer Louden is one of those teachers, women, beings who is able to tell the truth, the whole truth—even the brutal parts—but always in the end offer some relief. It’s a particular kind of magic.
Dreamy Animated Light Paintings by Lucea Spinelli. These are amazing, even though they make me a bit dizzy if I look at them for too long.
50 Motivating Quotes for Your Career, inspiration from Laura Simms, „50 of my favorite quotations, organized by theme: purpose, action, courage, creativity, and leadership. Find a favorite for today, and Pin this post so you can come back when you need something different.“
Storyteller Captures ‚Humans Of The Colorado Trail.‘ David Fanning (of Fort Collins, where I live) „collected about 100 stories like this on his blog, and is now working on a book.“ (Inspired by Humans of New York, one of my favorite things e v e r). Such a cool project.
Oregon to Patagonia, „Jedidiah Jenkins’ parents once walked across America, ending their journey in Oregon. Now, Jedidiah is on an extraordinary journey himself, picking up where his parents left off and traveling south to Patagonia, Chile—by bicycle.“ His pictures are amazing.
These genius „Seabins“ vacuum garbage and pollution right out of the ocean. A really great idea. More of this, please.
This Selfie-Taking Cat Takes Better Selfies Than You. Oh how I love this dude.
Jill Salahub writes about the tenderness and the terror, the beauty and the brutality of life, and of her efforts to keep her heart open through it all on her blog, A Thousand Shades of Gray.