Lauren Lindley and Jenn Gleckman are new to yoga. They’re also new to Wanderlust. They are what we like refer to in the biz as, Super Newbies. Yoga touts its approachability to the masses, but most new practicioners are tentative. It’s hard not to be when media (Wanderlust included) constantly publishes photos of flexible bodies frozen in time doing circus-like poses. So, as they packed their bags, Lauren and Jenn recorded their reservations and shared them with us both before the event and then their conclusions after the circus left town.
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Jenn: Wow. That was quite a Wanderlust. It was not what I was expecting. Perhaps because it was so much more than yoga. Music, wellness, vendors, meditation, and even pool parties made for a well-rounded event. I would not have guessed I’d need my roller skates at a yoga and music festival, but they came in handy.
Lauren: I really enjoyed the atmosphere of the festival. The openness, how it was spread out and different activities led you to different places, new people, and alternative journeys. It creates an atmosphere of creativity and surprise around every corner.
Jenn: Agreed. I found that helped me let go a bit more and be more open to the classes and sessions, especially the ones, like meditation, that were outside my comfort zone. It was reassuring to learn that touching your toes wasn’t a prerequisite to any workshop, yoga or otherwise.
Lauren: I was surprised that amidst all those California yogis, there were quite a few people that stood out from the others. It was fun talking to a ton of people for my profiles and rooting out the ones that didn’t quite fit the mold, like Bethany the hiker.
Jenn: I was surprised by how much I learned. Useful stuff that I can apply to my life, like how three deep breaths can do so much to defuse my stress. And how breathing, which, as an asthmatic isn’t my strong suit, can make me a better athlete.
Lauren: I learned the camel pose. From a five year old. A friend suggested that maybe the lesson here is that learning and teaching are ageless, if a 5 year old can teach a 34 year old.
Jenn: That’s a great lesson. Perhaps Wanderlust should offer a class like that next year.
Lauren: It was interesting to hear how some yogis curse. I was not expecting that. There was a lot of cursing in the class I took that made me grossly uncomfortable because I had to touch strangers. So, on one hand, I’m completely unsettled and freaking out because I’m touching sweaty strangers but on the other hand, the teacher is a comedian and a riot and cursing the whole time, which made me feel completely at home.
Jenn: I was way off on the humor thing. Yogis do have a sense of humor, and are decidedly self-deprecating. I didn’t expect to hear banter, quips and one-liners while on the mat. I didn’t expect to learn as much as I did, or have as much fun as I did. Wanderlust was a lot more than I expected, in a good way. I’m glad we went.
Lauren: Me too.
Lauren Lindley is a Tahoe based traveling photographer. She is an adventurer and athlete claiming the following to her sports resume: runner, swimmer, cyclist, snowboarder, and sometimes climber. Lauren is a music lover, prolific reader of literature, and the only bottle of wine she doesn’t like has the word Merlot on it. Lauren is also a firm believer that guacamole is an all the time food and when she’s not doing athletics, you’ll probably find her on the dance floor.
Jenn is a marketing consultant to the travel, recreation, & hospitality industries in real life, but her true passions involve playing outside as much as possible. She lives at Lake Tahoe in order to do just that. When she’s not skiing, hiking, mountain biking, or running after her dog while enjoying the majesty of the Sierra, she’s thinking about them and planning her next adventure.