In this weekly series, we’ll ask you—the community—a question on social media, and we’ll curate some of our favorite answers here. Don’t see yours reflected? Keep commenting and sharing! The more often you comment, the more likely you are to see yourself on our site. We love seeing your photos as well, keep ’em coming.
Jeannine Reese Gabel Triangle – when I lift out of it to return to standing upright I feel like I could fly. It just opens up a whole part of me that I don’t even realize is blocked.
Jeannine Reese Gabel Triangle – when I lift out of it to return to standing upright I feel like I could fly. It just opens up a whole part of me that I don’t even realize is blocked.
Anna Koenig The amount of people that responded pigeon is fascinating.
Anju Pathak Yadav (Pictured) Tripod headstand….coz its makes me feel balanced ??
Katie Brake Standing splits and wheel pose ?. Standing split because it always challenges you to go deeper, and for me, tempts me into handstands—Wheel because it feels so good on the abs.
Kelly Ann Tadasana….close your eyes and feel the mountain sway
Kik Coward Like us, every day is different. It also depends on my intentions of centering/grounding myself before my practice. The expression of truth that I get from a pose on one particular day, may not need to be expressed the next day. But the memory, knowledge, and need for this expression resonates in me and THAT is what keeps me coming back to the mat. Living is a pose and all poses are perfect. 🙂
Sarah Kohler Svarga Dvijasana bird of paradise. The strength balance and focus it takes to rise up calms me. I feel centered and powerful. Once I extend my leg up up up it feels like I’m floating but firmly grounded at the same time. I really love the odd sensation.
Victoria Murphy Humble warrior. Great physical stretch and it gives me a moment to pause and feel gratitude to the forces of life that have been so kind to me.
Martha Cecilia Haque-Garnica (Pictured) Warrior II -Virabhadrasana II…it gives me de sense of focus, determination and endurance ❤️
Ed Lynch Mine is the reverse plank…. along with a nap.
Nina Garrett Wild Thing! Love the stretch and the heart opening effect. It feels spectacular.