Updates from the Front Lines of the Climate Fight with Bill McKibben

Environmentalist Bill McKibben discusses the ever-changing face of climate change and the fight to save our planet

This video is part of our sustainability Speakeasy series. Find more here


“The most important thing individuals can do, is not be individuals—to join with other people to build movements that can be powerful enough to force rich industries to change what they do.” – Bill McKibben

In this Speakeasy talk from Wanderlust Stratton, author and environmentalist Bill McKibben explores the ever-changing face of climate change and offers insight into what the future holds for the movement against it.

A staunch supporter of the climate change philosophy, Bill McKibben has spent a lifetime advocating for the health of the planet and the people who call it home. As founder of 350.org, the first worldwide, grassroots climate change movement, he has helped to organize more than twenty thousand rallies across the world that focus on everything from protesting offshore drilling and the expansion of fossil fuel production facilities to the importance of environmental conservation. In this lecture, McKibben brings up the difficult realization that we can no longer stop climate change from happening, but can only slow it down. He explains how through various channels and lifestyle changes we can help heal the planet. He urges people to open their eyes and unite in order to create solutions that will ensure a cleaner and brighter future for us all.

“It’s been a while since we’ve had such a movement, but it is time.” – Bill McKibben

Filmed by: Circus Picnic
Edited by: Start Motion Media