According to new research, people tend to experience severe loneliness in their 20s, their mid-50s, and their late 80s. Turns out wisdom may abate these dark feelings. Dr. Dilip Jeste, senior author of the study found something interesting: “People who have high levels of wisdom didn’t feel lonely, and vice versa,” he said.
All more the case to book a solo yoga trip. Cultivate inner wisdom as you cultivate like-minded community at Wanderlust Festival. Join the global mindful movement with a Passport, and attend any and all Wanderlust events worldwide. For more information, click here. Can’t wait to see you on the road in 2019!
It’s been on your mind for a while, but every time you and your friends are close to booking your yoga retreat trip together, something happens. One of you decides she can’t afford it. Something comes up at one of your jobs. There’s a family issue. The list goes on.
So you are left with two options: wait for your collective lives to align, or take matters into your own hands and book a solo trip.
The idea of traveling alone can be daunting. We generally feel safer in numbers, and even the idea of navigating to the retreat’s location from the airport without a buddy by your side seems intimidating. But not only is a solo retreat possible, it’s also a heavenly invitation to paradise as the cooler fall and winter temperatures set it.
If you are still on the fence as to whether you could travel to a yoga retreat alone, here are five reasons to take the idea off your bucket list and onto your slam dunk list.
You will make friends.
Do you ever travel to a new and exotic place with the goal of not meeting people? Probably not. So why not create space for those friendships by going alone. Yoga retreats offer a built-in, sure-fire way to meet like-minded yogis. And many offer shuttles directly from the airport to their front doors, giving you an immediate opportunity to strike up a conversation.
Other people go alone.
They did it, and so can you. You will find quickly that you are not the only person who made the plunge to travel solo, and that in itself is a reason to connect with other independent adventurers at your retreat. You may be surprised at how your shared solitude bonds you.
Yoga is a solo journey.
It is beautiful to attend classes in a large group, but let’s face it: yoga is a personal journey, not a team sport, so enjoy your time away for your regular social circles and see where your practice takes you.
Friends can inspire but can also distract you.
Have you ever placed your mat next to your friend’s in a yoga class and gotten the giggles every time your eyes connect? Then you will know what I am talking about. Allow your independence to translate to inward focus.
You can come on your own agenda.
Ask anyone who has traveled alone: the freedom of not having to align schedules is worth the courage it takes to head out solo. You don’t have to agree on where to go and when. The only thing you have to coordinate is where to have coffee and catch up when you are back from your amazing trip.
There is no time like now—don’t wait for your crew to sign up. Take the plunge and book your very own solo trip.
Jane Emerick is a travel writing momma and yogi adventurer. From the top of the mountain to the depths of the sea and everything in between, find Jane on her snowboard, skis, surfboard, or bike any given day. A self-proclaimed “unorganized Mom,” Jane is a hippy at heart who loves to explore. She teaches yoga and has a background in marketing and writing. Follow Jane on Instagram or her blog, jumpsuitjane.wordpress.com.