This is a curated version of a list that originally appeared on “A Thousand Shades of Gray.” For more of your daily dose of happy, please visit the complete list here.
The 100 Day Promise from Sandi Amorim. “The 100 Day Promise is a practice that guides you through the process of change in an in-depth and soulful way.” An amazing program, a brilliant coach, and a wonderful gift to give yourself. The program started on January 1, but Sandi is leaving registration open until the 7. You should also check out her book, The 100 Day Promise: A Guide To Changing From The Inside Out.
Cats you will fall in love with in under three seconds, the cutest, funniest of compilation videos. And if you like that one, you’ll like this one too: Give Me Five.
2015’s Best News Bloopers Are Here And They’re Out Of Control. Couldn’t stop laughing, had to pause the video a few times to let myself catch my breath.
2015 National Geographic Photo Contest Gallery. Amazing images.
Hilarious Winners of the First Annual ‘Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards.’ Make sure to check out the whole set.
A wild sea otter chose to give birth at an aquarium and everyone’s hearts are melting, including mine.
You cannot create a more compassionate world if you’re treating yourself like crap. Word. This line really got to me, “View our schedules as a sacred prayer for how we are shaping our lives.”
9,500-Year-Old Tree Found in Sweden Is The World’s Oldest Tree. So cool.
The 50 Funniest Tweets From Women In 2015. So funny.
How to write a simple and beautiful manifesto from Alexandra Franzen. In her latest newsletter, she also shared a link to this cover of Drake’s “Hold On, We’re Going Home” that’s super dreamy.
Jill Salahub writes about the tenderness and the terror, the beauty and the brutality of life, and of her efforts to keep her heart open through it all on her blog, A Thousand Shades of Gray.