I wasn’t ready for what I’d learn from Dr. Aviva Romm at a Wanderlust Speakeasy in Stratton, Vermont. “Your body has a greater ability to heal than anyone has ever permitted you to believe,” she said.
Interest = piqued.

Dr. Romm explained the vital importance of focusing on how we feel and supporting ourselves rather than criticizing ourselves on the inside. The methods with which one can practice self-support are plentiful. But here are three, easy-to-digest (pun intended) concepts you can implement immediately:
- The thoughts you have actually change the composition of your gut flora. Studies are revealing that your gut flora is everything. It’s your immune system and it’s your ability to digest food, there are connections to a plethora of illnesses through your gut flora. When you are nasty to yourself you are literally creating a toxic environment in your body.
- You can over-exercise and cause your body to become inflamed and depleted. Taking 12 yoga classes in four days at Wanderlust is a great way to spend the long weekend, but if your regular day includes hours of stressful exercise you might actually be doing yourself some harm. Making sure that you feel good during your yoga practice, your run or your anything else is paramount to you receiving its benefits.
- Flax seeds are one of the best things you can do for yourself! Put it in everything. And eat your leafy greens, they can cure your PMS and save your body from the crazy harm of environmental estrogen.
Elizabeth is a yoga teacher and artist in Fairfield County, CT and creator of Love by E handmade mala and jewelry. She teaches in workshops, special events and trainings in the North East. She teaches smart and accessible yoga and she loves every minute of her work. You can find her writing and her teaching schedule on her website.