It’s been exciting to witness such a radical shift in thinking over the past few years. Cynics are becoming Spirit Junkies and the spiritual choir is growing larger. The collective conscious has become more aware of how our thoughts and energy affect our lives and the planet.
If you’ve landed on this blog it’s likely that you believe in the power of your thoughts and the energy they put into the world. That awareness is crucial when it comes to manifesting your desires. Understanding the power of your thoughts and energy is one thing, but knowing how to use them for greater good is entirely another.
Maybe you’ve dabbled in the art of manifesting or maybe you’re a Law of Attraction junkie. Either way, like any skill, it can always use some fine-tuning. Manifesting is the art of tuning your own energetic vibration to a powerful frequency that can be supported by the ever-present energy of love. I know that may sound super heady, but it’s the straight-up truth. We’re all beings of energy. When our energy vibrates at a low level we attract low-level circumstances. But when our energy is in a high vibration we attract positive outcomes.
There are several important steps to creating powerful manifestations in your life, though I believe one in particular is crucial. In order to powerfully manifest your desires you must learn to see beyond your physical sight. Let me give you an example. All my greatest manifestations have occurred in my mind’s eye far before I actually experienced them in physical form. For instance, I spent nearly a decade envisioning myself being interviewed by Oprah — long before it actually happened. In my meditations I could see us sitting next to each other as clear as day. But most importantly I felt the feeling of sitting beside her. I felt her presence. I felt a connection. I felt a connection to service knowing that the content we were sharing would help all those watching. I spent countless meditations surrendering my worldly expectations of this desire while I dove headfirst into the experience of being with Oprah. These meditations helped me stay in the energy of knowing that the manifestation had already occurred even though I hadn’t seen it yet.
Dr. Wayne Dyer says, “I’ll see it when I believe it.” This is exactly what I’m talking about! We must learn to believe in our desires before they can come into form. Our faith carries the most powerful energy, and that energy is what supports the creation of our manifestation.
If you’re ready to take your manifesting skills to the next level then it’s time to cultivate a greater sense of knowing. Take these three steps to learn to see beyond your physical sight.
Step One: Surrender Through Prayer
Get into the daily practice of surrendering your desires to the care of your inner guide. Pray to release your attachment to the outcome and to release all expectations. This prayer practice will help you get out of the way and allow the Universe to do her thing. When you get out of the way and stop trying to control circumstances and outcomes, you allow the feeling and service behind the manifestation to flood through your being.
Step Two: Meditate on the Feeling
Through silent contemplation you will be able to tap into the energy of the cosmos. Yogi Bhajan said, “Vibrate with the cosmos and the cosmos will clear the path.” In order to see beyond your physical sight you must be able to feel the feeling of the experience. Allow your meditation practice to be a time when you turn over your desires fully to the care of your inner guide. Meditating calms your mind, organizes your nervous system and center you into your power energy, a.k.a. the energy used for manifesting.
Step Three: Feel like You’re Already There
In time, through meditation, you’ll begin to feel the feeling of what it’s like to experience your desires. Write down clearly what that feeling feels like. Then throughout your day-to-day life do whatever it takes to tap into that feeling. For instance, if you’re manifesting a lover, watch movies that make you feel in love. If you’re manifesting more money, focus your attention on everything you already have to cultivate a feeling of abundance. Through years of feeling the feeling of hanging out with Oprah I eventually allowed the Universe to catch up with my dreams.
Ready to Go Further? Join My Workshop!
If you’re inspired by this topic I’m committed to helping you take the process even further. I welcome you to join me on Saturday, March 22 for a free half-day workshop on manifesting.
Here’s what you can expect:
- My top 3 meditations for enhancing your attracting power.
- My 5 key exercises for manifesting your desires.
- Group guided meditation.
- Group discussion and Q&A.
The workshop is live in NYC and on Livestream video, so you can attend anywhere, anytime. Gain access to the half-day workshop — 100% free — when you pre-order my new book, Miracles Now (it comes out in April). Plus, you’ll also get bonus gifts from me. Visit to register for the free workshop today!
Begin cultivating your manifesting power today with the three steps above. Get into the know, believe it to see it and tap into the energetic presence of your desire now.
Photo by Ashley Daige