Gabby Bernstein Releases New Book: “Miracles Now”

We sat down with author Gabby Bernstein to learn a little more about what makes her tick, and,…

We sat down with author Gabby Bernstein to learn a little more about what makes her tick, and, of course, to hear about her newly released book, Miracles Now. We’re excited to host Gabby at both Wanderlust Stratton and Squaw Valley this summer.

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What do you want to be when you grow up?

I’m already exactly what I want to be:) My hope is that I can continue to do the work that I do for many, many years to come.

What did your child self want to be when you grew up?

My child self always wanted to be an entrepreneur of some kind. I was more afraid of having a job then being my own boss.

Your personal theme song?

What is your favorite yoga pose? 

I love plow pose because it energizes me.

What is your least favorite yoga pose?

Wheel pose. I can never seem to stay in that position for very long.

What do you love about what you do?

What I love most about what I do is speaking to large audiences. Speaking live is my favorite thing to do!

What challenges you about what you do?

My greatest challenge is staying healthy while traveling a lot. I put a lot of energy out into the world and I have to work hard to recharge and maintain a healthy balanced life.

gabbybookcoverTell us about your new book, Miracles Now.

I love this book and I’m so psyched to share it with you. Miracles Now helps readers lessen stress and find peace—FAST! I handpicked 108 techniques to combat our most common problems—from addiction and anxiety to burnout and resentment. The exercises are inspired by some of my greatest spiritual teachings. Throughout the book, I offer up spirit-based principles, meditations and practical tools to help readers bust through blocks to live with more ease. I break down each technique Spirit Junkie style—with meditations, assessment questions and step-by-step guidance—while incorporating lessons from the metaphysical text A Course in Miracles and Kundalini yoga. This book is meant for the busy, stressed person who simply wants to feel better fast.

How is Miracles Now different from all of your other books?

Each of my books has a unique format but a shared intention, which is to offer readers tools for releasing all the blocks to their true happiness and peace. Miracles Now shares that core intention through 108 short exercises that can be done anywhere, any time. This book is less self-reflective and more action oriented. I want it to put people into practice immediately so they can experience Miracles Now!

In the book you offer a social media options, which is pretty cool. Can you tell us more?

I love this part! I boiled down each lesson into a 140-character description — or Miracle Message — which can be tweeted, pinned on Pinterest, posted on Facebook, or shared on Instagram. Each Miracle Message ends with the hashtag #MiraclesNow so readers can connect, share miracles and spread inspiration. And e-book readers can share right from their devices.

Buy Miracles Now