We caught up with Ashley Clauer, vinyasa yoga instructor and co-owner of Wanderlust Yoga Austin to ask her some fun questions. If you’re looking to catch up with her in person, come see her at Wanderlust Austin, November 6-9!
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Wanderlust: What do you want to be when you grow up?
Ashley Clauer: Happy!
WL: What is your personal theme song?
WL: What is your favorite yoga pose?
AC: Ardha Chandrasana. It takes focus, strength and flexibility. And feels oh so good!
WL: What is your least favorite yoga pose?
AC: Hanumanasana. I am naturally tight in my quads, hips and hamstrings so this pose is extremely difficult for me. Although it is the one that I need to practice the most!
WL: What was your most embarrassing moment as a teacher of your craft?
AC: I put My God is Real by Krishna Das on during class for Savasana. Once that song was over while everyone was still in savasana, my ipod then shuffled to My Humps by the Black Eyed Peas. It was blaring before I could get to the music system to turn it off. Thankfully the yogis in class had a sense of humor!
WL: What do you love about what you do?
AC: The people. Wanderlust Yoga Studio in Austin has the most incredible community of students, teachers and staff. I am filled with joy when familiar smiles walk through the door each and every day, and I am forever grateful for the relationships that have grown from here. I know some people say that as a yoga instructor and studio owner the work I am doing is changing people’s lives, but the truth is that they are changing mine.