Find Your True North

Susan Agrios

Described as “inspirational, passionate & changing lives”, Susan Agrios leads retreats & teaches thousands around the world about fitness, yoga & mindfulness.

She is founder & CEO of AGRIOS MINDFITNESS (Mindfulness + Fitness = MINDFITNESS)  dedicated to helping & motivating others lead healthier lives physically, emotionally, socially & mentally. She is a former K-12 schoolteacher, multi-sport world medalist & world record holder with more than 2 decades of experience as a fitness trainer. What makes her unique is she is an International Level 2 Kundalini Yoga & Meditation teacher with advanced training in Yoga Nidra (guided meditation).

She developed a variety of successful signature programs: TIME OUT Mindfulness Kit & Trainings, Mindfitness Breaks & Functional Training, Mental Toughness Workshops & the Online beKIND Mindfulness Challenge. She launched the first ever in Canada beKIND Mindfitness Triathlon which incorporates a walk/run, yoga and the beKIND Mindfulness Challenge.

The beKIND Mindfulness Movement has spread  across Canada into the USA, Europe, Asia & South America with over 2000 people taking her Mindfulness Trainings & over 17 000 kids, teens and adults taking the beKIND Mindfulness Challenge. Will you be the next?