Disclosure of Rules

• The expo area of Wellspring (“Expo”) will be open from 9am to 5pm from October 4 – 6, 2019. Load-in and load out times will be provided to Exhibitor at least sixty (30) days in advance of the start of the event.
• All Exhibitor fees must be paid in advance.
• Applicants must include payment by credit card in order to be considered.
• All Expo areas are non-smoking.
• Exhibitors must accept credit cards for payments during the event. No exceptions.
• All meetings, events and seminars held by Exhibitor must be pre-registered with Wanderlust. Meetings, events and seminars not designated or organized as a part of the show are not permitted during show floor hours or Expo hosted events.
• Minors 10 or older must register with the parent or legal guardian as an attendee or exhibitor. Registration of minors is free. Minors under 10 years will not be admitted.
• Exhibitor will be responsible for any and all damages, injuries, claims, charges and costs, whether tangible or intangible, to persons or property that in any way arise out of or relate to Exhibitor’s actions, errors or omissions, exhibitions, displays, goods or services, whether performed by Exhibitor or any other persons/entities under the Exhibitor’s control or direction.

• This electronic document constitutes the entire agreement between Wanderlust Festival, LLC and the Exhibitor. No changes shall be valid unless agreed to by both parties in writing.
I have read and accept the “Disclosure of Rules” *