Crack The Code: Backbending
Noah Mazé
Join Noah Mazé for a deep dive into backbends. Expand your knowledge of these poses, applied anatomy and kinesiology, and sequencing strategies while deepening your practice of backbending postures.
The first 45 minutes is dedicated to Noah’s signature approach to deconstructing poses and analyzing what is occurring at the anatomical level—joints, muscular actions, difficulties, misalignments, and necessary key actions. The remainder of the session is asana based to embody the „theory“ in an intermediate/advanced backbend workshop focusing on postures and actions that open the front chain of the body and strengthen the back chain.
Through an in depth exploration of the balance of both strength and mobility required in each body region, we will work intelligently to move safely through fundamental backbends into intermediate backbends; such as Urdhva Dhanurasana, Laghu Vajrasana, Kapotasana, Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana. Bring a notebook, yoga props (two blocks, a blanket and a strap) and come ready to learn, work hard, and have fun.
- Morning practice: Deconstructing Poses
- Lunch break (food sold separately)
- Afternoon practice: Backbend Workshop
- Modifications and Hands-on Assists