Wanderlust is a multi-channel company focused around mindful living, offering an annual series of renowned festival events, a full-service media company, and several permanent yoga centers. Our mission is most simply expressed by our slogan „find your true north.“ We gather experts, practices, and recipes for living to guide the journey towards a mindful and inspired life. Like the progressive community we serve, our staff is passionate, curious and diverse.  We are yogis, teachers, foodies, artists, travelers and seekers. We hope you’ll join our tribe.

WLHQ makes space for forward-thinkers, problem-solvers and people with heaps of patience (we’re talking mountain-sized heaps, here). We are a young company (think awkward teenager with massive potential) and we’re growing fast. Our team is comprised of people who can work well in groups, as well as independently, all while being organized. We don’t buck pass. We don’t do drama. We take ownership in our successes and failures and use every experience to build a strong, supportive workplace environment.