Find Your True North

Sara Ticha

Movement and physical exercise has always been a part of Sara’s life. Throughout her childhood and teenage years she has been actively playing tennis and dancing. She learned that the best way for her to quiet the mind is to challenge the body.

Sara started practicing yoga in 2011 with her mom and her brother at a local yoga studio in Bratislava. It definitely wasn’t a love at first sight, but Sara has always found herself coming back to yoga. She discovered that in yoga you are supposed to listen to your body and do only as much as your body feels like doing. She enjoyed this form of freedom. There was no stress, no pressure, and no competition in yoga.

Although asana practice is what connects her to yoga the most, Sara likes to think that yoga practice isn’t limited only to those 90 minutes that you spend on the mat. Yoga has influenced many different parts of her life. She believes in the importance of the “off the mat” practice, where you remain mindful to your physical and mental body.