Find Your True North

Tamra Mercieca


Tamra Mercieca is a Relationship and Self-Love Therapist, Author and founder of the school Getting Naked Pty Ltd where she teaches people how to strip off the layers of mental and emotional conditioning so they can enjoy more love, more happiness and more pleasure in their life.

It was after overcoming severe clinical depression and a number of life-threatening health ailments that Tamra was invited to become an advocate for Lifeline, with the organisation endorsing her first book ‘The Upside of Down: A personal journey and toolkit for overcoming depression’. She then began helping clients overcome depression and become pill free in her ten-session program.

But is was while searching for her Prince that she learnt the real importance of developing relationship with self. This formed the basis of her book series Getting Naked where she shares all sorts of frivolities, but most importantly, how she cleared the personal barriers keeping her from true love.

Tamra loves teaching the art of self-love and shares this message during regular television and radio spots, in her sex column in Nature and Health magazine, at various festivals and events she’s invited to present at and of course in the many courses she runs through her school.

When she’s not crafting a manuscript or inspiring others, she’s out swing dancing with her husband or jamming on her drums! Tamra’s passion in life is to let her own love story inspire others to live their unique and magical happily right NOW!
