Suzy Batiz


Suzy Batiz is the inventor, founder and CEO of Poo~Pourri and genius behind the upcoming launch of supernatural. She is an expert in entrepreneurial intuition. A serial creator and entrepreneur, she developed an exponentially growing enterprise worth $300 million without borrowing a dime or enlisting a single investor. Today, Suzy teaches other entrepreneurs the feminine approach to business—how to harness intuition, body intelligence and creative energy to achieve a natural flow state of success.

Suzy has overcome some of life’s toughest low points: abuse, failed businesses, and bankruptcy. But from these ashes, she has always taken whatever life has left her and built an even more expansive and joyful world for herself and her loved ones. This boldness to reclaim her power in the face of adversity is what has led Suzy to build her business empire.

Suzy is driven by three words: Liberate, Transform and Empower. She brings the power of this process to her own life, and strives to share it with as many women as she possibly can through her lectures and workshops. Suzy has recently been featured on the Almost30, Skinny Confidential & Modern Hero podcasts and has given presentations for Conscious Capitalism & the In goop Health summit, among others.