Sara Phelan
A certified 500 hour teacher through Akhanda Yoga India and Open Space Yoga Hawaii, and a certified 500 hour Ayurveda Consultant through the American Institute of Vedic Studies…whose love for yoga began as a small child while living in a Poona Indian Ashram. “It’s deep within my roots, and the seeds were sown…” is what I like to say, and since then, I have been on a yoga mat ever since.
Within my own practice, I am deeply inspired by meditation and stillness, which is teaching me to quiet the mind through the use of mindfulness and breath, as well as asana to bridge mind and body. I currently teach yin yoga and yoga nidra with an emphasis on mindfulness and psychology. A deep turning inward and a willingness to look within. Which for a lot of us can be really hard. But this, I believe, is where we grow the most. The quiet practices teach us how to slow down our busy lives and busy minds and go deep within the physical, mental, and emotional bodies releasing chronic and acute stress and tension, while quieting the mind through mental concentration and breathing, resulting in physical, mental, and emotional strength while healing any imbalances we may be experiencing. I like to call the quiet practices a “Different kind of Strength”.
I am also currently working on my MA through the University of Hawaii Manoa to further study Indian Philosophy as well as researching the neuroscience behind meditation. My intentions are to create a non-profit that offers asana and meditation to those who need healing the most, while continuing to teach at Open Space Yoga on O’ahu offering workshops and facilitating our teacher trainings.
It’s all about connection.