Find Your True North



Born in Jerusalem, Israel to a family immersed in spirituality for generations, Parashakti fell in love with the power of dance as a form of self-expression in her childhood. After serving in the army’s entertainment troupe, she moved to the United States, studying dance at Santa Monica College, followed by an immersion in yoga at the ashrams of Integral Yoga.

Parashakti was introduced to the ancient practice of Trance Dance and her own subsequent study of and participation, over many years, in the wisdom circles of Native American ceremonies. Both of these profound teachings led her to develop the potentially life-changing methodology known as Dance of Liberation™. Dance of Liberation™ integrates shamanic journeying, hands-on healing, sacred music and the use of a blindfold to help dissolve participants’ physical, mental, emotional and spiritual blockages, enabling them to embrace their life-affirming, healthy, exuberant, self.

Her commitment to clients’ well-being led Parashakti to subsequently develop, as well, SoulHealing®, private intuitive healing sessions to help clients’ create a pathway to discover their soul’s deeper meanings and life mission. She has drawn on this modality to work closely and extensively with many clients who are striving to overcome forms of addiction.

Parashakti has worked with over 10,000 clients from around the world and led workshops, retreats and teacher trainings at some of the world’s leading holistic centers including: The Tree of Life (Arizona), Esalen Institute (California), Jivamukti Yoga School and the Omega Institute (New York), Alexis Zorbas Retreat Center (Greece), Zorba Festival (Israel) & in Ubud (Bali). From 2014-16, she worked at Breathe Life Healing Center, a treatment center for addiction.

She is both the subject and co-producer of a full-length documentary: Dance of Liberation ,with the Wolper Organization, at Warner Brothers.

Parashakti has been featured on television, as well as in LA Yoga Magazine, Newsweek, Time Out NY, and the Jerusalem Post.
