Find Your True North

Mel Garcia


From an early age, I was very sensitive to energy and intuition. I grew up in a very spiritual and metaphysical environment surrounded by crystals, meditation, incense sticks, and natural healing among others. My mum is a very well known clairvoyant and spiritual healer in Venezuela. Having such a strong influence in my life and a very spiritual upbringing, has without a doubt defined my purpose in Life.

I’m Mel and I’m a qualified and certified Holistic Therapist. I‘ve learned to share my experience through a combination of service and education. I’m a passionate healer with an alternative approach, and I’m dedicated to helping my clients move through a wide range of physical, emotional, and spiritual transitions in the most efficient and trans-formative way possible. I love empowering patients to understand their bodies and discover the gentle power of the healing arts.

​As an Energy Healer, I enjoy being able to bridge the gap between western medicine and the “alternatives” while providing a safe and nurturing atmosphere in which to heal.