Find Your True North

Me Fuimaono-Poe


Me Fuimaono-Poe is a Family Nurse Practitioner. She works at Queens Medical Center and also owns and operates the Malie Cannabis Clinic.

Me has been an environmental activist for 20+ years and has volunteered with several organizations including Food Not Bombs, Earth First, Californians For Compassionate Use, Babes Against Biotech, The Mom Hui, and Hawaii Center for Food Safety.

Me has helped to organize several large peaceful protests against Monsanto, including the Waikiki March Against Monsanto that had over 1,000 participants. She has also testified at the legislature on bills seeking more environmental protection for our communities in Hawaii Nei. The front lines of the environmental movement, helped prepare Me for being a pioneer in the nursing field. Professionally she is currently creating a model for nurse led clinics that evaluate for medical cannabis use. The Malie Cannabis Clinic is the first clinic in the state of Hawaii where nurse practitioners evaluate and certify patients to use medical cannabis.