Find Your True North

Matthew Young


I’ve raced on roads and trails in events from 5ks to 100k, century bike rides and triathlons but I don’t win races. I’m not a superstar runner but I’ve learned some things along the way that have helped me improve over the past 17 years and I love to share those lessons with others. I’m a Road Runner Club of America certified coach and have been certified to teach natural running, running the way the body is made to do it. I started Genesis Running in 2007after I watched my dad, who at the age of 64, went from barely running ¼ mile to running a 4 mile race in just 9 weeks. Over the past three years over 1100 people have learned to run through Genesis Running here in West Virginia. Running is the easiest, most affordable, most portable and most efficient exercise you can do but so many people don’t know where to start and that’s why I’m here to help.