Find Your True North

Marissa Walch


Marissa Walch is a fitness enthusiast who works in the fitness and wellness industry full time and loves everyday! She hopes to inspire you on your mat in a creative manner where your body gives you the freedom to move, gain flexibility and strength. She is a certified personal trainer and group exercise instructor, also instructing Spin, TRX and Boot Camp classes when she isn’t teaching yoga; and over the summer you can find Marissa on the water at Capital SUP Annapolis as their Stand-Up Paddleboarding (SUP) Fitness Director.

She trained in North Carolina, for her 200 hour yoga teacher training in 2011 and completed Charm City Yoga’s 300 hour training in 2014 to deepen her practice of yoga, create workshops and to fine tune her personal practice. She has worked in this industry for over ten years and dedicates every minute of her day to share her love for keeping and creating a more healthy mind and body. You will have fun, feel strong and sweat with each practice, class, workshop or training session. You can find Marissa’s schedule online at as well as take class online on her YouTube channel at
