Find Your True North

Lupita German


Ayahuapu means the Mountain of the Ancients in Quechua, it is a sacred cemetery in a Mountain or Apu in the Andes.
Ayahuapu was born in 2008 in Barquisimeto-Venezuela, motivated by a spontaneous inspiration, where the experiences with Master Plants had a great influence on the creative-healing process, manifesting in the first compositions of the group.
Initially formed by German Virguez and Eduardo Santana, the first album Tierra Pura (2010-2012) was born, with the participation of several guest musicians that were integrated into the project in movement, thus achieving a musical alchemy with different ingredients of Andean music, Venezuelan folklore among other trends.
His first live performance was in November 2012 at the Roberto Cantoral Cultural Center in Mexico City.
Currently, the group is made up of German Virguez and his wife Lupita Castro, a synergy that propitiates and opens the space for the composition and crystallization of the second album Agüita Bendita (2013-2016), in which different sounds enriched by different musicians converge. as tributaries they have nurtured the waters of this album.
After its first concert in 2012, the group presented at the two editions of the Medicine Music Festival in Pisac / Cusco-Peru (2014 and 2016), also at the Lunario of National Auditorium of Mexico City (2015) , and at the Inti Holos Music Festival in Playa del Carmen, Quintana Roo, as well as in small concerts.
With the intention of carrying the message of the heart, which like an arrow passes through all physical, mental and emotional barriers until reaching the bright spot of our consciousness, the group continues with the essential motivation of being a vehicle that intones singing of life and Love.
