Jaime Tully
I had been wrestling with the idea of doing my yoga teacher training for almost 2 years before taking the leap. I had tried various 9-5 professions but they were simply not me. I am free-spirited, and strong willed. I fear conformity, crave adventure and welcome change. I might be slightly chaotic, but I am me, and have learned to love myself (with a little help from my yoga mat). When I finally decided to listen to my heart, I dropped everything and booked a flight to India. Embarking on my biggest journey yet, I took my teacher training with Sampoorna Yoga Village. It has it been a wonderful whirlwind since. I have learnt even more about myself since, and have been so fortunate to surround myself with such inspiring people who motivate me every day to work as hard as I do. I genuinely love getting up early each day to teach Yoga.