Find Your True North

Anusara Yoga 「Let’s try Handstand」by studio yoggy MASUMI


Let’s try “Reversing poses” that you see sometimes in yoga poses, with pair work  so that even the first person can do it.If you want to challenge yourself, let’s practice alone!


Instructor: MASUMI

Studio Yogi Instructor / WORLD FLOWERs

In 2006, she started learning from a dance friend who taught me the path of a yoga instructor. After I started as an instructor, Anusara Yoga and anatomy, she continues to learn in various ways such as Tantra philosophy and vision psychology.

Yoga is taught in the style of “Your heart knows your happiness”.

Let’s enjoy your life!!

Life is Art!!



・全米ヨガアライアンス TT200時間修了
・studio yoggy アヌサラヨガ イマージョン トレーニング1,2,3 修了
・アヌサラヨガ ティーチャートレーニング修了
・マタニティーヨガ 養成 修了
・リストラティブヨガ 養成 修了
・セラピューティック & アナトミー ヨガ<治療法と解剖学> 修了
・医療の為のヨガ/Body Map 修了