Find Your True North

Amanda Kathryn Roman


Amanda Kathryn Roman has been called a cultural translator, a catalyst for creativity, an innovative designer, a dynamic high-energy speaker, a rockstar facilitator, a maven network-builder, and a transformational coach. She is a wanderlust woman who travels the world training, speaking, and connecting leaders from a variety of sectors for sustainable impact in their field; an adventure-seeking wife that has enjoyed living on both coasts with her husband and countless joyful road trips; and a fierce momma of three who schedules dance parties and road-trips with her magical children. Amanda lives in passionate pursuit of service to others and for more than two decades has been traveling in planes, trains, automobiles, buses, boats—and even a gondola—while successfully navigating the board meetings of countless service organizations; the green rooms of local and national media outlets; the halls of Congress; the inner sanctums of Fortune 500 companies; the offices of international policy organizations and elected officials in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Switzerland, Romania, and Germany; the West Wing of the White House and the chambers of state legislatures; as well as the homes of philanthropists to deliver sustainable results imbued with love and legacy. Amanda has trained thousands and is recognized as a trailblazer in the fields of leadership, government, and community engagement having worked in every state in the US. She has undergone extensive training in the science of happiness, the proven strategies of high performance, and holistic lifestyle practices in which she roots her offerings through coaching, training, speaking, and event design. Amanda’s work has been profiled in a variety of outlets including The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The Washington Post, and New York Post.

At Conscious Capitalism, Inc. Amanda is building on her twenty-five years in executive leadership where she bridged significant divides and created numerous alliances between the public and private sectors by connecting stakeholders from the arenas of business, investment, academia, government, community and media to unleash the potential of each individual in the ecosystem. Now she drives innovation and strategic alignment for Conscious Capitalism while directing the incubation of learning and development experiences that support business leaders in integrating and implementing conscious business principles through mastermind gatherings, on-site workshops, site visits, and online curriculum.

Amanda also leads engagement to support a diversified representation of business leaders in the growing global movement of Conscious Capitalists. Internally, she provides organization-wide coaching and serves as a member of the Conscious Capitalism, Inc. leadership team to support organizational development.

Based in the New York City metropolitan area, Amanda enjoys spending time in the great outdoors; adventuring with family and friends; running marathons; dancing whenever the mood strikes her; practicing yoga every damn day; drinking espresso, red wine & mezcal {not all at the same time}; reading voraciously; traveling to satisfy her wanderlust soul; and listening to classic rock while she is on the go.