Nathalie Croix
Nathalie Croix has been teaching yoga for over almost twenty years. She has been leading Shanti Yoga Trainings for the last five years, with over one hundred student graduates completing the program and many testimonials of how the training not provides tools for great yoga teaching, but also enhances all areas of life by promoting yoga on and off the mat.
Nathalie has lead and continues to lead many retreats in the US and abroad each year.
Having learned yoga in her early teens Nathalie took her first trip to India to study yoga at 20 years old, after having met one of her main teachers Sri K. Pattabhi Jois in the US during one of his world tours. During the next 10 years Nathalie continued to visit her teacher Sri K Pattabhi Jois in India as well as around the world to deepen her studies and understanding of the practice of yoga. She studied with Jois until the very last year he taught prior to his passing. Since than Nathalie had returned to the Ashtanga Yoga Research Institute in Mysore to study with his grandson Sharath Jois. In the West Nathalie has developed a steady practice with her now main teacher Annie Carpenter, who is one of the countries leading teachers today. Nathalie has an Undergrad in Dance Kinisiology. She attended College in the US with a scholarship in dance, after completing professional dance school, Studio Harmonique, in Paris, France.
She is a registered yoga teacher at the highest level E-RYTs 500 and is also a YACEPs certified trainer for continuing education in the Yoga Alliance International Registry.
Her classes are rooted in traditional yoga and yet students are encouraged to practice at their own pace with the understanding that the practice is always changing in the belief in adapting the asana to the individual rather than the individual to the asana.
Nathalie has a daily meditation and yoga practice.
She believes teaching yoga is a blessing and that yoga is transformational – it gives us the possibility of realizing our full potential while becoming the highest version of ourselves.
Yoga gives us the possibility of finding true health and happiness.
Through the practice of yoga we learn to love ourselves and from there we cannot help but love others and together up-raise the current vibration of our Planet and create a new Earth, hence a better world.
Nathalie is also a Life Coach and Energy Healer trained in Reiki and Channeled Healing. Book a session HERE.
She is the host of LIFE ON EARTH PODCAST, available on iTunes, Stitch, Podbean and all major podcast platforms.
Nathalie is the creator and designer of Aghora Crystals.
Follow Nathalie on Instagram.