Julia Toner

Julia is ambitious and goal focused by nature.  Left unchecked these usually positive traits left her burnt out and dissatisfied.
At 25 she had completed a Bachelors with Honours in Civil Engineering, a Master’s in Engineering Management and Pilates Certification. she was trying to work a full time job as a structural engineer in Canterbury while juggling 6-12 group fitness classes a week. she found herself physically and emotionally drained trying to live up to her own unrealistic expectations.

She gave herself some time out and went to India to undertake a yoga teacher training. her yoga practice in India fundamentally changed her understanding of how she should live her life. She quit her job and spent a year just teaching. She is now back working part time as an engineer part time as a teacher. Her time out taught her that genuine success, control, and strength, comes only as a result of a life lived in balance.
Julia gets great joy out of sharing with others that we don’t have to live life battling one obstacle after another. Yoga and Pilates principals can be used strategically to create balance in our lives.
We can still do anything, achieve anything we dream of.  But we don’t need to feel stressed, burnt out. We can have a full life, well lived.