Your Voice: Most Transformative Yoga Moment

In this weekly series, we’ll ask you—the community—a question on social media, and we’ll curate some of our favorite answers here.

In this weekly series, we’ll ask you—the community—a question on social media, and we’ll curate some of our favorite answers here. Don’t see yours reflected? Keep commenting and sharing! The more often you comment, the more likely you are to see yourself on our site. We love seeing your photos as well, keep ’em coming. 

Joanna McDonell Hmmm it would be so hard to pick just one…every yoga class, event or workshop has been transformative, definitely some more than others. I’m doing yoga teacher training and being able to practice teach on friends has been right up there, so rewarding and feels great, I’ve also taught a class at my local community centre and will be teaching a class, a karma class at a studio in August. I’ve loved every experience at my yoga studio, really loved Wanderlust, been twice and plan to go this summer, I also love outdoor events, so great?☀️?

Jenn PT Lee I haven’t done too many yoga sessions but…I would say Stand Up Paddleboard Yoga. Downward Dog on the water is absolutely breathtaking and magical.

Doug Milbrand I am (was?) a perfectionist and I have very high standards of myself and others. I was always tough on myself for not having a great physique and got frustrated when I didn’t get things right the first time. I got into yoga after my wife kept asking me to join her for a few sessions. After a few weeks, I still couldn’t nail simple tree pose. “How hard is it to stand on one leg?” I thought and got very frustrated with myself. My blood pressure was on the rise until I heard a little voice in the back of my head say, “it’s OK if you’re not perfect at first, or ever. Take a breath, relax and try again.” A 230 pound grown man started crying right then and there. “I need to take this to the rest of my life” I told myself. Now I am living in the moment with more joy than ever before and just accepting situations as they are, out of my control. I’ve since adopted the term, “relax, nothing is under control”. It has led to much more contentment and happiness on and off the mat.

Sarah McLaughlin 10 days of yoga with Gin Saya Carter at a small festival on the beach in El Salvador. After about 12 years of yoga, it changed from a mostly physical exercise to a therapeutic outlet and spiritual practice. (But still physical, and better aligned ?)

Rita Meier Pupo I think the most important moment most yogis get to at some point in their life is that time you cry for the first time in class because you have tapped into a deep part of your soul where your higher self and your ego finally see eye to eye and your soul spills over and you cry from being overwhelmed with emotions, often ones that had be suppressed. The feeling is etherial, a freeing and humbling moment.

Joanne Diggles My very first Yoga Class, about 12 years ago. I was always athletic and fit, worked out in the gym, did weights, and had a “yoga shmoga” attitude about Yoga. I realized quickly I had zero flexibility and that it was more challenging than I ever imagined. Been practicing ever since!??

Karen Fischman One of my firsts yoga classes,I was doing a twist with my arms wrapped up between my back and legs. In the moment that both of my hands touched, I felt a switch in my brain. It was as if something clicked inside of it, like the sound of two pieces fitting together perfectly. And I could feel the wiser, the higher, the forever presence of something and someone who never left my side… there you are! A true transformation. 🙂

Georgia Krahn 4 of us yogis work together in an educational program for high-risk youth. Over the course of two horrifying days, we experienced the worst school violence of my career. That night we sweat like crazy in the studio, breathed ujjayi into everything. In savasana, we lay fingers to fingers. I looked over and saw that all four of us were crying. Yoga transformed our fear into healing, courage, and compassion.

Laura McIntire I’d have to say that my most transformative yoga moments tend to occur in savasana, during meditation or in restorative poses; those moments when I become still and turn my attention inwards. Those still moments are the most healing for me. Some of the most memorable have been when I am outdoors, in nature. Even when I can’t be outside, I can place myself there in my mind’s eye to the same effect.

Jaime Lynn At my first wanderlust festival I took one of Janet stones classes that was Bob Marley themed. At the end of the class we were all close and put our hands on the back of each others’ hearts and I just started to cry. Before that I knew yoga was amazing, but I never realized it’s ability to open up a person so much more than just physically.

Ricky Brennan Some of my most transformative yoga classes have been in the presence of others with physical limitations and/or injuries. I’m amazed at the adversity of people. The perseverance (santosha – contentment, content with the struggle) of individuals that must work through hardships.

Caryn Begeschke My most transformative Yoga experience took place following the most beautiful, thoughtful and intentional heart chakra opening flow.

Bob Schwartz At Wanderlust Snowshoe 2017, something very profound happened…it was wonderful!

We’d love to feature you! Check our Facebook every Wednesday for the Question of the Week. Comment, share, upload your photos, and support each other. Let’s lead the conversation together.