Birth is one of life’s great dramas. Whether we are the mother or the father, a son or a daughter, or simply a comforting hand to squeeze, birth transforms everyone involved. Joy and pain, chaos and calm—a single tale contains all and more. And yet, no two stories are alike.

Here we have six unique tales of childbirth, told raw and unrehearsed. They span the gamut from humorous to heartbreaking: the frustrations of fertility, the anguish of what could have been, the comedy of appointments gone hopelessly awry. Watching these stories we are reminded how much hangs in the balance, and how fickle the winds of fate blow, despite all our intentions and best wishes.

As Mother’s Day approaches on May 14, our love goes out to mothers everywhere. Indeed, we are all sons and daughters, from the first.



You Are Floating in a Jello Mist • Toni Bergins

“My partner and I decided we would go to hypnobirthing classes. This was… difficult for him.”


Cracked Wide Open • Tamara McGuire

“It changed who I am as a wife, who I am as a mother, who as I am as a friend, who I am as a stranger to people.”

The Way It Can Be • Noelle VanHendrick

“Call it ‘sunny side up,’ facing me, my son comes… I catch him, pull him right out. It’s something you can’t articulate with words.”

The Three-Day Push • Lori Flower

“I had a lot of assumptions that I could just show up and do it, and do it well, and that did not happen.”

Operating Table Savasana • Laurie Ford

“My life was in danger. Baby’s life was in danger. … I just let the universe take over.”

Ready or Not • Jeff Krasno

“I actually reach down and feel my daughter crowning. I’m going to have to ready myself to deliver this child.”




Tell Your Own Tale of Birth

We invite you to contribute your own tale of birth to this series in written form. We will be posting them to this page as they are submitted.

Fill out my online form.

Out with a Fury • Katie F.

Heart and Soul • Ali Barton
Let the Universe Take Over • Anca D.

The Best Laid Plans • Nora F.

The Power of Intention • Jenny Ramaswamy
Worth the Wait • Jessica Bellofatto

Just Breathe • Khristina Skalla

Two Steps to Delivery • Alexandra Rosas

Do You Wish It? • Lindsey Mead Russell

53 Hours • Ashley Jordan

Bodies Don't Lie • Aynna Rigby

The Best Laid Plans • Nora F.

Against All Odds • Norma Weeks

Amazing Gift • A Young

Birth Story of Baby Alex • Angela Harlan

Tuning in to Whispers • Christina Hladnik

From Mystery to Miracle • Angela Gross

Bringing Life into the World • Kristen

A Walk to Remember • Sandra

Grateful for Children on Earth and in Heaven • Danniella Metson

My C-Section Birth • Anna Owens


About Wanderlust Storytelling

Wanderlust Storytelling encourages people to share captivating descriptions of ordinary life as well as tales of extraordinary circumstances. These are not stories directly about yoga, but stories that speak to us as yogis. They are personal, intimate accounts of insight, emotion, and inspiration.

Featured image by jlhopgood from Flickr.