Find Your True North

Thunderstorm Artis


Thunder Artis was born and raised in Hawaii and learned to play music from a young age from his two parents. To him music is more than just notes on a paper or just a song to him, it is his heart and his soul. He believes through music he can make the world a better place by performing music to lift the hearts of all he plays for, brightening the day for one person at a time with positive music. This journey started when Thunder was 7 years old and since then he has played music with many well known artist in Hawaii but is most known for playing in the duo Ron Artis 2 and Thunderstorm for the past 5 years and has shared the stage with Artist like Jack Johnson, John Cruz, Paula Fuga.
Thunder Artis writes all of his own music. From soul to country he believes each genre of music has something special to offer.