Gaby Zermeño
“Yoga has profoundly transformed my life, giving me a clear map towards happiness”
– Gaby Zermeño Passionate about refining the art of living through connecting with inner peace, tireless seeker of Truth and empowerment through connection with the Divine Essence.
Convinced that the true change comes from within, that the healing of the world begins with the healing of each one. That by freeing ourselves from limiting patterns, stress, anxiety and healing our wounds is how we will really create a world where love manifests more.
With 19 years of meditation practice, 17 years of yoga practice and more than 13 years of experience as a teacher, a process that led her to connect with true love, self acceptance and understanding of her own greatness. Now he is dedicated to fulfilling his mission to help others in the transformation process to love, accept, heal themselves, to recognize what they truly are and to reveal the best version of themselves, giving them a clear and precise map for a fuller life, through classes, workshops, retreats and teacher training nationally and internationally. Certified Teacher of Anusara Yoga, Anusara Certified Advanced Teacher Trainers, Anusara Yoga Certification Committee teacher, founder of Centro Shri and teacher in Shri Tv. Yoga teacher in the television program “Hola Morelos” She has studied with the best teachers of this system and philosophers such as Carlos Pomeda, Bill Mahoney, Sally Kempton, Douglas Brooks. Currently studying in Blue throat Yoga with Paul Muller Ortega.