This is a curated version of a list that originally appeared on “A Thousand Shades of Gray.” For more of your weekly dose of happy, please visit the complete list here.
There’s Nothing Left to Do, Seek or Fix—The Quote that Brought it all Home. This piece by Alexa Torontow does such a good job of summing up what yoga is, what practice is, and the importance of self-compassion through all of it. “Awareness and mindfulness are one thing. But to truly and honestly show up for ourselves like we would our best friend—with that level and quality of compassion—is absolutely vital for this journey.”
If You Acted Like Kanye At The Office. Love this! #workgoals
How To Meditate from The Onion. *gigglesnort*
10 talks by women that everyone should watch. “Color bravery. A headset for brainwaves. His/hers healthcare. 10 big, bold talks from female speakers.”
How to #repost with respect, (link shared on Tammy’s Happy Links list on Rowdy Kittens). The title says it all.
Embroidered Mushrooms, Animals, and Other Forest Creatures by Emillie Ferris. Beautiful.
To the Strangers in Whole Foods Who Surrounded Me After News of My Father’s Suicide. As Ram Dass said, we are all just “walking each other home.”
Recipes I want to try: Spicy, Peanutty Udon with Kale, and Sweet Potato Chickpea Buddha Bowl, and Salt and Pepper Caramel Brownies.
#40daysoflight: journaling, a primer, a really great post from a journaling master Karen Walrond: “My philosophy on journaling, and how you can get started if you’ve always wanted to journal, but were afraid to try.”
Penguin swims 5,000 miles every year for reunion with the man who saved his life, one of the sweetest “unlikely friends” stories I’ve ever seen. “I think the penguin believes Joao is part of his family and probably a penguin as well.”
Jill Salahub writes about the tenderness and the terror, the beauty and the brutality of life, and of her efforts to keep her heart open through it all on her blog, A Thousand Shades of Gray.