This is a curated version of a list that originally appeared on “A Thousand Shades of Gray.” For more of your weekly dose of happy, please visit the complete list here.
I don’t normally like pranks, (they seem unnecessarily mean and make me uncomfortable) but this one that Adele pulled on a group of Adele impersonators is so sweet.
31 Days of Gifts You So Deserve from Be More With Less, “is like an advent calendar in your inbox designed to deliver the gifts you so deserve. The gifts are meaningful, some are magical, and all of them remind you to fully embrace the simplicity and meaning of the holidays with purpose and intention.” Added bonus? Pay what you want! This would make a great gift, for yourself or someone else.
NIH to retire all research chimpanzees. Fifty animals held in “reserve” by the U.S. government will be sent to sanctuaries. This makes me so happy. Here’s one reason why, Chimp With Darkest Past Takes Comfort In Tiny Troll Doll.
Roasted leek and white bean galettes, a recipe from Smitten Kitchen. And this Honey Maple Roasted Carrots recipe from the Cafe Sucre Farine. Yum. (I get a little obsessed with roasted veggies this time of year.)
One letter can change your life—or someone else’s, “a free digital booklet all about the art of letter writing” from Alexandra Franzen. With the holidays coming up, this is a great practice to start cultivating.
Or you could try this: The *new* Black Friday hosted by the amazing Sherry Richert Belul. “This Black Friday, go with the new black: Spend at least part of the day making a Love List as a holiday gift for someone you love.”
20+ Cute And Funny Puns By Arseniic. Part of me feels like I’m too smart and too grown up to laugh at these, and the other part is laughing her thunderpants right off.
Company is Coming. This is funny because it’s true. Anyone who is hosting Thanksgiving this year understands how it feels, the particular way you can lose your mind getting the house ready when you have people coming over.
Horse Head Squirrel Feeder. This is the best, a great gift idea. Even if you don’t want one, you’ve got to watch the video.
Ladybug take off—in slow motion. Nature is so fascinating, so amazing.
Jill Salahub writes about the tenderness and the terror, the beauty and the brutality of life, and of her efforts to keep her heart open through it all on her blog, A Thousand Shades of Gray.