4 Ways to Rejuvenate After Wanderlust

Wanderlust can take a lot out of you—use these methods to restore and remember.

Wanderlust changed me—from the inside out. My body was a little achy, my mind was spinning with new information and my heart was as wide open as the petals of a lotus flower. I felt great. I felt energized and inspired. But after such an uplifting experience, I also needed to ground back down.

Once I returned to my working and family activities, I find time to nurture myself every day. I gave myself the opportunity to integrate what I experienced and make a deep inquiry within to discover what I want and need—at this moment—and how I could use this experience in my everyday life. To me, yoga is a way of life. I try to incorporate teachings that support my growth into simple daily actions in any way I can.

If you’d like to preserve the joy after Wanderlust Tremblant while rejuvenating your spirit, try the following:

Practice self-massage. 

Abhyanga is my favorite. Abhyanga is a conscious self-massage with warm oil. Although I do not use abhyanga as much in the summer months, I know I will be treating myself with coconut oil abhyanga before the weekend and first thing Monday morning, after the event. For me, this has been the best restorative mind and body practice. It brings softness to my tissues, fluidity to my joints, and tranquility to my mind. It restores my fatigued body and takes away any soreness I might feel after a juicy, sticky practice that might have opened new areas in my body.

Nourish to restore yourself.

Warm almond milk. Dates. Nutmeg. Ashwagandha. Raw honey. Add it to a blender and blend until smooth and incorporated. I drink this tasty cup of milk before bed, especially on days I feel lightheaded, and it helps me to feel restored in my body and grounded in my mind.

If you’ve indulged a little too much, neglected sleep, skipped meals, or are experiencing travel burnout, this warm drink is a lovely pick-me-up to feeling restored.

Barefoot walking meditation.

When I return from traveling, I always connect with the earth. You can do this lying down, sitting, or walking barefoot in the grass. The process helps me find my center, get back into my own internal rhythm, and in sync with my immediate environment and the elements around me. It allows for an easier transition to the flow of my “normal” life as a mother, wife, business owner, and yoga teacher. The simple act of connecting to the earth can have wondrous benefits.

Meditation and journaling. 

This is a big one for me. In order to hear the inspiration of my heart, I need silence. I need to let go of all the ideas in my mind. And to do so, I sit. I sit every day. After a Wanderlust weekend, I felt the need to sit a little longer. Inspiration flourished. And after a few days of sitting in meditation, I understood what I was meant to learn from my Wanderlust transformation and journaled my thoughts. The combination of journaling and meditation is incredibily therapeutic and helps you put your thoughts into words. It solidifies your experience.

From my journal:

I am grateful for all the people that came across my path through this Wanderlust experience and I am forever transformed. Wanderlust is a part of me.

Janick Leonard is inspired by the generosity and spirit of people whose every action is in the service of others. She encourages everyone to find their mission, their unique contribution to the world, and to be guided by that spark. Janick will lead a meditation class on the Wanderlust spark and suggest ways to feed the inner flame after Wanderlust. Join Janick in her leadership, meditation, and Yoga of the Seasons programmes, all of which are available online at www.yogadessaisons.com & www.janickleonard.com