Practice with Rachel (Sat Siri) on Wanderlust TV: her new series, Root to Rise: Journey Through the Chakras also includes a companion series of free 10-minute self-reflection & journaling classes. The 7-part Kundalini Yoga series, as well as sample the thousands of yoga, meditation and movement classes on WLTV, is available to you with a free 14-day WLTV trial, granting access to a vast library which includes dozens of Kundalini classes from Rachel Dougherty.
The Heart chakra is such a personal, important and tender area for us human beings. In Sanskrit, the heart chakra is called the Anahata Chakra, which translates as unstruck, unhurt, or unbeaten.
As the fourth chakra, the heart chakra or Anahata is at the center of the seven chakras. It plays an essential role in the chakra system by bridging the lower and upper chakras. With this vital role, a balanced heart chakra can support one’s harmony and ease through their divine experience. It is within our hearts that we can accept our whole selves, and we are all longing for that!
A Balanced Heart Chakra (Anahata)
This chakra can become imbalanced through past hurt, grief, severe disappointment, fears of being rejected, or through an imbalance in giving and receiving. When it does so, it can lead to immune system issues, lung problems, cardiovascular or breast issues, upper back and shoulder pain, jealousy, abandonment issues, loss of your sense of self, and giving without discernment.
This chakra suffers a lot when we have a broken heart. Pain in this area can manifest very strongly from the emotions we are feeling.
I remember years ago, when one of my best friends died very suddenly. I was in complete shock, and grieving. I traveled back to Australia for her funeral. After sleeping on the plane awhile, I woke up and had a really strong pain in the center of my chest. I wondered if I was having a heart attack, as I had never experienced anything like it before. I drank some water, and breathed into my heart. I thought “Wow, this is literally the experience of heartache.” It hurt, and ached really badly for about 2 weeks, and then became a little less acute, but stayed with me for over a month. My soul sister had died, and my heart was aching, as I was trying to accept the loss, and recover, I remember the ache some days feeling unbearable.
Then to my surprise, I woke up and it wasn’t aching anymore. It had passed.
The heart center is amazing: it experiences the most extreme betrayal, hurt, loss and despair, and it heals completely, again and again and again.
When the heart chakra is blocked, it makes it difficult for people to connect and be aware of their emotions, which inhibits the ability to feel self-compassion, empathy, or forgiveness. Those conditions further prevent people from being able to have unconditional love for people in their lives, making authentically loving relationships few and far between.
Tools for the Heart
Practice Yoga: Especially focus on the heart openers. My favorite pose is camel pose because you lean back and let your heart shine to the heavens. When I am in this pose I imagine golden light energy raining down on my heart-as a symbol of the abundance of love there is to receive. Bridge pose is also another favorite and effective posture for the heart.
Eat for Your Heart: Foods can nourish the chakras and dark leafy greens like swiss chard, dandelion, kale, and mustard greens provide nourishment for the heart. Green apples and avocados are wonderful for the heart too.
Practice Meditation for A Calm Heart: Try the meditation in this Anahata Kundalini class (use a free WLTV 14-day trial to give the entire 7-day Journey Through the Chakras a try). Just 3-5 mins a day has a direct and soothing quality for the heart, physically, energetically and emotionally. Many students have helped soothe their heartbreak with this meditation, from the end of a relationship, or grieving the loss of a loved one.
Create a Personal Affirmation for Your Heart Chakra. This is a positive statement about what you desire for your heart chakra. Maybe it is, “I trust that I will open my heart when I am safe. I am always protected.” Or it could be, “I now give and receive love easily.” Choose what feels right for you and try to repeat this mantra several times per day or read it often.
Nurture Your Heart: Try uplifting song, music, and the company of good friends. Nourish your heart chakra with love, so that it can nourish you.
Don’t forget you can also practice along with me on Wanderlust TV, balancing the heart chakra in my anahata class, and then follow up your practice with this 10-minute journaling exercise:
Rachel Dougherty (Sat Siri) is a trailblazing, next generation, Kundalini Yoga teacher and trainer. She travels the world teaching Kundalini Yoga in places like Bali, Maui, Mexico and India. She has been practicing Yoga and Meditation for over twenty years and teaching Kundalini Yoga for fourteen. She practiced Iyengar Yoga, Vipassana Meditation, and many other modalities before finding Kundalini Yoga. A former ballet dancer with the Australian Ballet, Rachel found ballet meditation in motion, a creative expression that renewed her perspective with each step, turn or jump.